Knights of the Ancients <KotA>
KotA is a brand new guild recruiting all 4 star-gear and above players for daily dungeon runs, active discussion, and friendly competition.
Gunners, Swordsman, and Bombers are all needed, but we do have a limited amount of slots for each archetype.
Do not apply if you intend on only sporadically playing the game, as we want all guild members to be regularly active.
We intend on becoming SK's largest, most quality guild, and we will only recruit those who share our dream of becoming the elite.
We regularly use skype, not ventrilo, teamspeak, or mumble. If you refuse to use skype then please do not apply.
(We do not discourage the use of ventrilo, we just do not have a guild vent server)
To apply, contact any of the following in game:
We will review your gear, ask some questions, and if need be run a sample dungeon with you.
Thank you to all future applicants for taking the time to apply.