To whom it may concern, as you know, every ten years all factions of the cradle agree to a cease fire to celebrate three days of nonviolence. Alternating between the factions, this years celebration is to be celebrated at Haven, allowing knights to put down their weapons, and adorn the city with paper lanterns, shops, and prepare various costumes. However, not everyone is coming for the deep-fried food. With tensions high, and disputes between the factions common, we had to create a special task force for keeping all sides in check. This is where you come in. You have been chosen by your high command to be a part of this program. If you feel uncomfortable working to preserve the peace alongside those of another faction, report to your commanding officer to find a replacement. Otherwise, welcome to the Peacekeepers. Oh and as a reminder, you were chosen to PRESERVE the peace, not destroy it. We will not tolerate collateral damage, moreover, anyone found breaking the armistice will face drastic reprocussions, from all factions. Good luck, and play nice.
-Intel Agent James
This is the letter you've recieved, and to be chosen as a peacekeeper is considered a high honor, however, should anything go wrong...the wieght is on your shoulders alone. Considering you will not know eachother as friends for more than three days, it has been ruled that you will be assigned nicknames to use so as to deter friendships (Traitorus alliences) between the elite few chosen. Though you may have some racial tension against the others DO NOT MAKE THIS A MAIN FOCUS. Maybe a snide comment here or a praise there, but this should be minor. You're professionals.
Faction list is at the bottom.
SPECIALTIES: Given that you are specialists, you can chose which specialty you have (List below) but be warned of 2 major things to consider
1. If someone has cosen a specialty, YOU CANNOT CHOOSE IT it's what makes them special
2. When you choose a specialty I will assign a weakness (For balance)
Nick Name:
Coercive: You can get information out of stubborn people using force
Persuasive: You can get information out of scared/evasive people.
Connections: Merchants and business men will work with you.
Track: You can find a paths/footprints easier
Eagle Eye: You can pick people out of crowds and Identify them at greater range
Might: You can subdue others easily
Flight: You can move very swiftly
Leauger: You can throw objects farther, and with great accuracy
Disarm: You can take away weapons and disassemble them to unfunctioning order
Thick skin: Attacks do little damage to you
Tech Wiz: Able to disable/enable various tech and advanced items.
The Map: You know where you are, and how to get where you're going
Spiral Knights- (Hostile to Devilites, Hatred for Gremlins, Allies With Valkeries)
Valkeries- (Hostile to Gremlins, Hatred for Devilites, Allies With Spirals)
Devilites- (Hostile to Spirals, Hatred for Valkeries, Allies With Gremlins)
Gremlins- (Hostile to Valkeries, Hatred for Spirals, Allies With Devilites)
Mercenaries- (Neutral to all)
The Mercenary: A noble profession built around one desire for money...
Its like your trying to call me here mate.