Dear administration also have created games Spiral Knights!
I not selenium in English on it will tell at once, you in game couldn't enter Russian)
I play your game from the very beginning of the test Closed a beta and have resulted to many people in game, plz if it is not difficult ;) answer
for admins!!!
Sat, 05/28/2011 - 23:48
Legacy Username
Sun, 05/29/2011 - 01:16
Sounds like he's asking for
Sounds like he's asking for russian character input. I'd like it if SK supported additional character sets as well!
Thu, 06/02/2011 - 11:10
Yay!! Russian speakers.
Scrame2 was asking for the Russian language, and I second this motion; though understand it will be awhile before Spira Knights expands into new markets.
Я из Канады, но могу переводить для вас, если вы хотели бы. Моя игра имя tennispro. :D
If you are asking for a Russian translation of the game, it should go in Suggestions, at least I think that's what you are asking for.