Before you start reading ( Oh wait.. ) and composing an application form, make sure you are able to abide by the Golden rule of the guild.
GOLDEN RULE: You must have a name that satisfies the Guild name and be at least a little amusing, ya'know.
Darth-Vader [Pays For Secs] ✓
Everyone [Pays For Secs] ✓
If your name makes the sentence grammatically incorrect, your application form may be looked over.
☻For Example. Name of knight : You-Are
You-Are [Pays For Secs] x
If your name makes the guild name null, your application form may be looked over.
☻For Example. name of knight : No-One
No-One [Pays For Secs] x
If you can follow this rule, awesome, continue. If not, LEAVE ( Just kidding, you can keep reading on for your own enjoyment ).
Guild Requirements
Req 1. Must follow the Golden Rule at all times.
Req 2. Must follow Req 1. at all times.
Req 3. Have played spiral knights for at least a month ( Not the actual play time of 30 days ) or has at least 1 (one) 4 star weapon.
Req 4. Begging - Keep it to a minimum or none at all - especially when I'm around because I'm poor !
☻ Donations are not a requirement as we currently do not have plans to expand our guild hall. It is small and it is cozy.
Application Form, in accordance to most important to least important. Either post here or mail it to me in game, Van-Winkle.
1. Name Of Knight.
2. Are you cool?
2. Gear/Weapons
3. Playtime ( Actual hours/days )
About the guild and its members. The guild's only a few days old, this part will eventually grow ( I hope ) !
☻The guild was founded on Saturday 19th of April 2014 by Randomspam.
☻This guild is obviously not a serious guild although all of our members so far (3 Yeah, yeah, 'haha' >.>) play PvP quite a bit.
☻I recruit people for the guild. Random does the rest ( Not very much at all ! ).
☻I prefer to be called Winkle, not Van or 'A Van.'
☻Randomspam's very much into Gel Drops, Ecto Drops and Scrap Metals, if you have it, he wants ALL of it.