First impressions
Fri, 04/25/2014 - 18:31
1: The new armors pretty much make the old stuff useless and a waste of time, but that's the case with a lot of armor sets no one uses.
2: Neutralizer changes were much needed thanks!
3: I can't tell the differences between a lot of the guns and the original counterparts. Gunner Callahan seems to be the same as the old Callahan. An actual change log would help figure out what to look for in balance.
Slight Tangent:
This is it? This took you guys how long to do? Heck, the folks on the steam workshop pump out this stuff for free and faster than you guys...
Look I like that you trying to make guns actually viable in game and I love you for that... but "a dozen new guns" this is not, this is old guns with slight tweaks...
OOO I am disappoint.
First off, the Armor Looks outstanding!
Second, Most of the New Guns Look Great!
Lastly, Going to test out some of the new Weapons and Armor and hope to see some Great Results!