My Gunner Feedback

Alright, I think it's time I write something up here.
I love the new armors, the ninja ones are awesome and the long scarfs are one of my favorite things. Although, the other two sets the... Sentinel and Guerrilla lines? (The names on this server are such a mess so forgive me if I mess up.) They don't look like gunner armors at ALL. If you ask me Sentinel looks more like a sword set and the Guerrilla looks like a bombing set. (Oh god bombers/swords need this kind of attention that gunners are getting as well. I could list off 'useless' swords and bombs but, that is not the point of this testing period.) - How does this really look or feel like a gunner set? The armor/dress seems a bit cumbersome. - Bulky and tanky. This is PERFECT for what a new bomber line should look like. How can you possibly gun when you're looking out that narrow visor?
Anyways with the weapons they're all great, they just need a few tweaks. The Fire/Freeze/Shock Pulsar lines need to have a bit of a damage reduction for what they can all actually do now. Fire can make up for that bit of damage by burning things. Freeze does it by having enemies held in place to take more shots. Shock does a combination of both sort of.
The Blitz Needle/Grim Repeater also needs a tweak. I can understand what the gun tries to do, huge DPS in exchange for movement and a bit of a cool down. The damage though is way too high for the drawbacks to actually mean anything. A good example is Lord Vanaduke. Did you guys really intend that boss to be taken down in a matter of 5 minutes? Imagine what kind of suffering Jelly King will go through because of the Grim. My suggestion is that the cool down is made longer, ex; the reload animation taking several frames to run through and they ignore buffs such as ASI/MSI/whatever.
If I think of anymore to add I will come back to this post and add it in.

i would agree that this needs a tweak. I ran the jelly king, and i took him out with 2 charges, and 3 normal shots, with a lvl 3 grim repeater, and chaos

I'm not a tester but on the live server with volcanic pepperbox, jelly king can be taken out in 2 charge attacks anyways (at level 10 with maybe a medium or high damage boost, I think I've got that), so it can't really be more overpowered than that

I agree with you Perrososo. The Iron Slug seems a bit.. too strong for normal damage. Not even Leviathan Blade can match that kind of power. When I was playing once and using it in an arena I was able to completely take out a Lumber in one charged hit.
It was very amusing to see those damn trees to go down in one hit but, it's too good to be true. Along with what you said about the move speed issue and that it doesn't topple you over onto your butt, it feels like there is no real draw back to this power the gun now holds. Although it could just be that bug like with the Chilling Duelist when it first came out. I've noticed that nearly all the guns have this sort of MSI thing to em. Honestly, it kinda of bug me when I was testing it. I'm not too fond to changes like that.
Once again with the armors I thought of some more to add to it. The ones that look more ninja like need to have correct stats for what they actually do. Gunners would benefit nicely off of move speed bonuses. I also think that they should have CTR added to them to make it stand out even more. So far the only armor in the game that offers gunner CTR is the Chaos set and that's not even an official gunner set to begin with. You could also swap out the CTR bonuses for things such as damage bonuses towards certain monster families to help give a little bit of variety to different armors.
If I recall right one of the gunslinger poncho's has lore about being quicker than being dead. This would also give it an edge over said ponchos and help it stand out. Speaking of those armors, why hasn't the Gunslinger Hat, Sunset Stetson, Deadshot Chapeau, Justifier Hat, Nameless Hat, AND, Shadowsun Stetson not gotten their own texture/models yet? I think that they should atleast revisit the older gunner stuff before going in blind and adding new things.
I've also drawn up new ideas for the hats, granted although it's only Shadowsun but, the point is that they need some attention as well. I know I did one of Deadshot but it's so far down in suggestions I'm not gonna bother.
The example of Shadowsun is here;
Here is a quick idea of something other than a mask for the ninja based armors.

Me walking around the forum *think* "Meh, the gunner update is gonna suck, GG OOO GG, why do you have to fix things that ain't broken?" *sees the bulky, mordern warfare like armour* "..." *a drop of manly tear lingers on my left eye* "... You did it OOO, you made me proud... I don't care how useless that armor is... I WANT IT
Lets discuss the magnus buffs (which I am fervently in love with)
I almost hate to bring it up, but it still bears mentioning. In an effort to fully test the new weapons, some confreres and I ran through Darkfire Vanaduke. Lots of fun, full gunner, definitely feasible.
Iron slug absolutely shines. Perhaps a bit too much. The almirian guards were absolutely DECIMATED by the slug, and by this i mean they receive multiple hits, even when shot in the front. It was my impression they were to be invulnerable from the front? Trojans on the other hand performed as normal, only receiving one hit from the rear, and were formidable as always (without blitz, ofc)
Another bug that has been mentioned in other threads is directional knockback. When using the magnus line charge, if you shoot a slag in the back, or in the side, etc, it will receive knockback in the inverse direction that it currently faces; ie usually towards you or a teammate. Instead of the bullet boring through the enemies, it simply brushes them aside, unless they are being shot in the face. Then, it simply annihilates them.
Lastly, regarding balance. I love that these guns got buffed, but man, this is almost too much. I was actually concerned that they would pierce Lord Vanaduke as well, because then we would never need another gun, ever. Fortunately, it only hits once or twice, so he remains a mild challenge. That said, the lack of MSD on charge makes it ridiculously easy to use, and moreover, safe. Even a MSD low would be sufficient to make it a bit of risk.