UV Rolling in Preview Server

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Paintool's picture

I feel sick after having rolled away 30 Mil in crowns and ending up with bad UV's.
Could spend all day just on the Preview trying to get the right UV, and then I remember I'd have to spend an exponential amount of real time on the real game and try to get lucky.

It hurts...

Theirillusion's picture

The best reason preview server is funny :>

Holy-Crab's picture
It's just a clear indication

It's just a clear indication you should never punch Uvs anymore. Rolled over 25 millions ended up with lame triple lows 99% of the time. I'm pretty sure they nerfed the odds to get max and VH uvs, I used to get them more often before, and when you roll that much you just can't state bad luck is the only factor playing.

try rolling lockboxes. did it

try rolling lockboxes. did it last time with furynator i think lol

problems with login

i'm using steam, but i Always get announcement to start it up with steam, but i dont know how.
Can someone help me with this

Feyi-Feyi's picture

I've gotten like 5 max/VHs in the last 3 months, spent 3 mill on the test server and ended up with CTR VH ASI med Winter Grave.
Punch is fine imo

Arcknightdelta's picture

Wait do you get infinite cr and energy on the test server? So whatever you roll, you're rolling for free or something?

Sandwich-Potato's picture

No you only get infinite Energy and no CE to crowns conversion market thing, so you have to buy 5* items and vendor them. At least you did.

Retequizzle's picture

all this tells me is that the general populace doesn't know how to roll UVs

if you started off with triple UV rolls right off the bat then yeah you're going to spend a ton to get nothing - my test server character had a shadow/freeze max on a shadowsun stetson and a shadow/shock max one of the new gunner armors that i can't remember the name of (it's whichever had normal/shadow and +4 shock/-3 freeze), with asi high or better on all the magnus lines. i spent a little over 4 million in total to get them.

the odds were fine, you just have a lot of people who don't know how to minimize how much is spent to essentially maximize how many times you can roll.

Parasthesia's picture
Punch needs to be removed

Punch needs to be removed from the test server, and a variety of asi and damage bonus trinkets need to be made available. This would streamline the testing process.

Holy-Crab's picture
Who says I started of with

Who says I started of with triple rolls, I rolled well over 3 millions on single UV tickets before it got boring and I started spamming triple rolls for the lolz. You got lucky, good for you, but I'm sorry to tell you there is nothing like science in RNG.