I realize im not on test server, but there is something i wish to mention

4 replies [Last post]

On the test server info of "How is test server" it still says knights have unlimited mist energy. Does mist still exist in test server? If not, can it be changed to say that knights have infinite Energy? Kinda bugging me, and it might confuse people. Feel free to lock this post and graveyard if its fixed!


Fehzor's picture

It probably should be addressed, but on the test server our energy is constantly at 5000. No mist in existence there, just 5000 energy period.

Choridia's picture

Also, that energy can't be sold so... as good ol' mist can't be sold either, I actually can say it's still mist, just looking differently.

Good to know!

Ok, but, since it's infinite, it cant be sold probably because it could then be sent to your main account, resulting in infinite amounts of energy.

Choridia's picture

Not sure if it'll work. Energy goes sent to a knight making transaction. Preview server and live server doesn't really connected with each other, so if selling energy even would be possible, it's unlikely to affect what happens on live server.