Speaking of lore- "wildfire" and "permafroster" have nothing to do with stars

I mean...
Supernova = stars exploding, makes sense...
Pulsar itself is a type of star that rotates and shoots stuff out...
Polaris = the north star
Wildfire = something that happens on earth and has nothing to do with space
Permafroster = Another thing that happens on earth and has nothing to do with space
Sim-Kay suggested Aurora for the Ice one and Quasar for the fire one, and I think those are both fitting names, though I'd still prefer something a bit more 'stellar' for the ice polaris. Perhaps Blueshift?

Hallier is a combination of "halley", a named comet, and "harrier".
Given how spammy Pulsars are, it fits well, I'd say.

One of the coldest things in the known universe is a nebula named the "Boomerang Nebula" clocking in at −272.15 °C. Basically we replace Permafroster with a name that has NEBULA in it somehow.

Yea, I really couldn't find a good name for an icy polaris on wikipedia... blueshift has to do with black holes, so that would be the reference.
I like Europa and Enceladus better, though they aren't really stars or akin to stars, while Quasar is.. and so are black holes.
We could also go for the name of a black hole. Like..
Sagittarius A*? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_massive_black_holes
It just seems a waste to break from the whole star theme and go for "wildfire" or "permafrost", right?

I think black holes would be better suited for something like a vortex bomb.
I still think something comet-related would be best, but "Hale-Bopp", "Swift-Tuttle", and "Shoemaker-Levy" aren't exactly the best names for a gun that shoots explosives. "Black dwarf" and "brown dwarf" are, uh... yeah, let's avoid those.

Yeah, it's a funny name [and Bopp exists], but how in the world could anyone make it match?

Yeah, they're "general space" themed versus star themed. I like black holes though they tend to actually be quite hot outside at least, because of all the surrounding gravitational pressure. I suppose we don't know exactly how hot the innards of a black hole actually is. My only critique about naming one of these guns after black holes is that tends to imply.. sucking in, vortexes, etc. Like, it's more fitting for a vortex bomb style weapon, in my opinion at least. (I suppose "Polaris" isn't necessarily evocative of shock gun, either, so I suppose we can be more forgiving.)

I am not on the test server, but while we are onto lores and naming, figures I might throw some...
Freeze: Permafrostar
Yeah I know, it's pretty lame... but I like how it rolls off the tongue and all that.
Otherwise, I'm thinking fictitious ice/frozen planets and so on... You know, in those sci fi cartoons or something.
For fire, I'd go with either mentioned:
Fire: Solar Flare / Quasar
Just my two cents.

why not go with a nice duality that doesn't really detract from the celestial theme they've been going with for a while?
rename the wildfire to castor, and permafroster to pollux
since they're both being introduced at the same time, and also have opposing effects (fire and ice respectively) the naming would make sense in that regard in a variety of naming associations though the names do have a bit of inconsistency when looked at under greater scrutiny (i.e. they might make sense with a greco-roman mythological mindset as opposed to a chinese mythological/astrological mindset).
i'd imagine that the renaming would bring up a bit of an issue as to how the polaris and supernova tie in as well though, so take these names with a grain of salt - i'm not exactly a fan of them myself but i'm working on my third cup of coffee and i can't think of any other names that would kind of lend itself to the duality and theme that the guns would imply otherwise.
i do like amparus' suggestions though as well.

If we're talking general terms, that makes it a little easier.
Fire Pulsar: Corona, Zenith, Gamma Razer. The plasma around the sun, the perceived highest point of a celestial object, and another pun.
Ice Pulsar: Eclipse, Absolute Zero. The obfuscation of a celestial object, and the lower limit of the thermodynamic scale.
Castor and Pollux sound good to me, but I don't know about Antares and Spica. Polaris already took the 'really bright star' spot.

SK is sci-fi but also medieval. Btw wildfire and perma-froster are kewl names.

SK is sci-fi but also medieval. Btw wildfire and perma-froster are kewl names.
I'm more partial to Qusar for the fir themed one.

since it's been semi-necroed, I'm throwing my old ideas here.
change supernova to <-insert cradle star's name here-> or sol.
change the fire one to supernova.
change the freeze one to vacuum (space is cold, you know.) also do a pallet swap from white to black.

I wasn't in the test server, am I allowed to post here though?
I like the quasar idea, possibly call the freeze one something like halleys wrath (the comet thing)

Polaris's name has nothing to do with the star. It's named after Polarity, the term used to describe if an electron is positive or negative charge, which is the source of all electricity. The pulsars' name has to do with the status that it inflicts, and because Supernova doesn't give a status, it retains the stellar-related name of Supernova

1. we have no confirmation on what the names are based on, but logically theyre star themed because the names and descriptions of both alchemy paths reference stars, and no one says polaris when talking about polarity
2. this is a necro, this thread and subforum have been dead for a really long time, and all the items discussed are already in game
if youre going to necro a thread, at least have something reasonable to add to it
side note: electricity is caused by atoms having a positive or negative charge, meaning a lack or overabundance of electrons, which are a negative charge, protons are the positively charged subatomic particles
Comets are literally balls of ice, so something like that could be possible? Blueshift is neat but it's kind of more.. moving/speed-based than temperature. I love the word, don't get me wrong, but I personally don't feel that it's very fitting. (Maybe on an ice-themed item that increases MSI/ASI!)
I hadn't realized that these were missed opportunities for space-themed names!
Other ideas:
Comet-inspired names like Haley's Shot or even just Shooting Star. That's almost too punny. :C
My friend suggested Red Giant and Blue Dwarf, both fitting AND they keep the theme even more specific - stars, rather than just general space.
/brainstorming now, I'M SORRY I JUST REALLY LIKE SPACE
Also because I really like one-word names for stuff:
the ice and fire of Jupiter and Saturn, in a sense, Europa is covered in water ice and Enceladus is so hot in its core that it shoots geysers into space. We could probably go more for Mercury or Venus though since that's more known that they're quite hot, temperature-wise.
Solar Flare is also a pretty evocative fire name.