Remove Acheron from Gunner pvp testing.

3 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Feyi-Feyi

There's not much to test when you're getting 2-hit in less than a second because you don't have trinkets.
Maybe balance Acheron as well now that you're doing some balancing?

Bild des Benutzers Glacies

Honestly, they should just remove every Sword and Bomb from PvP testing. It's about Guns, isn't it? Other than that, I agree.

Bild des Benutzers Fangel

We are testing the guns against everything else. If anything, dodging is more important on the testing server.

Try not blitzkrieging everything as a striker and you'll play just fine.

Bild des Benutzers Feyi-Feyi

You make a lot of assumptions. Good on you, but that doesn't make them true. There was no blitzkrieging.

I don't know where the test server is located but for me it's laggy as hell. I'm normally a 3-4 bar player.
While that's a problem on it's own, there is literally not a single advantage to be had by allowing players to abuse acheron on people without trinkets.

Come back when you actually have an argument instead of assuming I blitzkrieg everything and die because of that.