Irontech and Iron Slug

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Legacy Username

First of all, I have a 3* bomb I have been considering turning into an Irontech for the supposed knockback bonus. Is it appreciably more powerful and useful at all?

And while I love my Prismatech gun, I have been strongly considering acquiring a Iron Slug for it's normal damage (only normal damage gun there is!) and what is supposedly a small aoe blast from each bullet? Can anyone confirm this, and is it still capable of stunning?

Legacy Username
Blaster also does normal

Blaster also does normal damage, and can be had much easier... Iron Slug is a 5* gun. The Magnus line up to the Iron Slug actually does piercing, so if you want a normal gun now, go with the blaster.

Also, get rid of that Prismatech crap as soon as possible. Doesnt matter too much what you trade it out for, though I would suggest a cryotech alchemer.

Legacy Username

I have an irontech destroyer. It is really, really bad compared to the Nitro and BAB. The knockback is not worth it if you move at the pace of a snail while charging. The damage difference is almost negotiable compared to the Nitro. The radius of the Irontech is incredibly small as well.