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What UV Resistance should I get for Plate Shield?

2 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Iron-Volvametal

I'm thinking of getting a Volcanic Plate Shield, but I dunno what extra Resistance should I get. I was thinking Shock, Shadow, or Elemental, but I figured I would ask, first.

Legacy Username
Well Shock is a resistance

Well Shock is a resistance and Shadow/Elemental are Defense. The shield stats affect what breaks your bubble, so I would think about your game play and try to remember times you cursed because your shield could not hold on long enough for you to survive or what not.

Personally I would take Shock since the shock danger rooms and strata are very annoying and a field of gun puppies shooting shock bolts is pretty important to be able to shield through. However, graveyards and undead mostly (or completely?) hit with shadow dmg, so shadow defense would be better for Firestorm Citadel.

Bild des Benutzers Leviance
their all zombies in

their all zombies in firestorm citadel but they do 1/2 shadow 1/2 elemental. Elemental is more superior to shadow as both undead and normal monsters will do elemental from stratum 2 ahead.

you don't need a shadow shield in citadel if you're good at kiting and special spamming.