Which Weapons are Good for Tier 2?

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Legacy Username

Well a few weeks ago, I gained access to Tier 2, and since I'm considering getting new weapons, which should I get? (bombs not included)

Rangerwillx's picture
Some people say that the

Some people say that the cutter series is a good choice for tier 2. Others say a nightblade would be good as well, yet it depends on your play style.
What sword do you have now?
I have the Cryotech alchemer gun, with a Nightblade.

Legacy Username

Try a few 2* swords, see which you really like then go from there. It depends on what what works for you, more so than what is going to be most effective/efficient since there are options for most lines.

I seem to switch out my primary sword every few weeks, trying out different things. Then I go back to my old favorites - DA and Acheron. Some I haven't used since I got it like the Faust and Cautery Blade.