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The gate map and levels cycling

6 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Legacy Username

So not that I assume these things are in their final implementation, but the gate map combined with the level cycling seems a bit off to me. I think this is really because I don't know the desired outcome.

So right now, when we go to the arcade and go to a gate it shows us the gate map. This is good for giving us a general idea of what levels are below and how far down it goes. This should absolutely stay intact.

Once in the clockworks we still have access to the gate map, it's just buried in the Menu drop down. Not only can we see the map, but we can see the levels as they cycle. As a result we get to pick which levels we go to at each depth by watching and... waiting. With the way the levels cycle it can be quite a while of just... waiting.

If the intention is that we shouldn't get to decide which levels we play in at each depth then the gate map under the Menu drop down should either be removed or modified so that it only shows the possible levels, rather than the routes.

If we should be able to decide what levels we play then I think having to wait, and maybe wait a while, isn't a great system. One solution would be to just let us pick, but the cycling of levels seems to be a major design point, and I like the thought behind it.

Another option would be to make them cycle much slower so that waiting isn't really feasible. I'll wait 10-15 minutes to choose a level that I want to go to (waiting isn't fun but some levels are much more desirable than others for various reasons) but I won't bother if I have to wait an hour (though maybe some people will).

It's also not really clear at first how they cycle, so it may seem deceptively fast for people who are just starting to use the gate map. This could lead to them getting frustrated as they wait for a level they think will be up soon, but isn't for a while.

Either way, I think the gate map (dynamic or not) should be more visible if it stays available at all. Maybe a hologram of your depth and the next depth on top of or next to the gates would be good. Currently I get really frustrated if I forget to look at the gate map before I step into the gate.

Bild des Benutzers Shoebox
I like exploring, I don't get

I like exploring, I don't get picky about where I end up.

My only gripe with the current system is that a lot of the maps will be the same as you go down, which will most likely be remedied by the time the game comes release.

Legacy Username
Aye, of course we'll want to

Aye, of course we'll want to try out every new level that comes out, but once we've explored, the bottom line is that some levels are better for certain things. Some have more monsters, some have more chests, some are easier, some are harder. If I'm looking for a certain material I'm going to want to choose a level that has enemies that drop that material.

There a many many reasons you would at some point prefer one level over another. So the issue persists.

Bild des Benutzers Shoebox
I think that's the main

I think that's the main reason the current crafting system doesn't work.

It's not as freeform as the rest of the game, it's very number crunchy and choosy about where and what it wants the player to have and do to get a result.

I mean, the very fact that you wait so that you can go to a place that may drop an item you goes against the whole reason they make the clockworks shift around in the first place.
So it's more or less, not working.

I'm not saying that it goes against an intended design, but in a way it kind of does.
You're spending less time enjoying the game and more time waiting to get materials for an item.

Legacy Username
Suggestion: Remove map from

Remove map from menu.
Have a monitor next to each elevator that displays the map.
Powering up the monitor costs energy. Say, 1-3 units.

Legacy Username
So either I'm seeing things,

So either I'm seeing things, or there was a change in how the clockworks cycle. They seem to go much much more slowly. I'm a bit disappointed that the ability to choose was decreased instead of increased. With the new gate open there are a bunch of levels that I haven't been to yet, and it turns out I am still tempted to wait to get to those levels. It's just now I have to do something else while I'm waiting. I think as long as the gate maps are visible I'm going to be frustrated if I can't get to the level I want to.

Bild des Benutzers Coriolis
Game Master
It seemed to me that gate

It seemed to me that gate cycling was much slower to me as well.

The sad thing is, I opted to wait anyway.

(I'm a little tired of the wolver stage since it has limited random elements and is exactly the same layout each time)

I think if you don't want us to control where we go, the ability should be taken away, not having a boring mechanic (waiting) attached to disincentivize the behavior.

Roll a pre-determined path in the lobby, but do not show the whole path in the gate map. Just show what the next room is, but the path doesn't change.

For fun, I like Kharnors concept on having a monitor next to the elevator.
My concept of it would be it would show the next stage.
Paying energy at the monitor cycles the stage to the next possible stage.

Group fights their way down several floors and gets to the elevator of the floor.
Elevator shows the red doom of an arena stage
group: O: :O o:
group: Anyone have spare energy, we can switch the stage to happy-fun-wolver-picnic instead
group: OMGYUS-done!

Spending energy to change gets a whole cost-benefit game mechanic going.

Waiting . . . isn't a game mechanic, and the stalling shouldn't be rewarded.