Now with jellies dealing piercing, I'm a little bit set off...
I was planning on crafting the Vog Cub set to get ready for t3 content, because I heard that there was a lot of elemental damage in t3. However, I also wanted to do a lot of Jelly King runs (or at least enough to get the sealed sword line going). Now with jellies doing pierce damage I'm not sure if I should still go with the Vog Cub or go with the Skolver instead for my 5 star armor. Any suggestions?
I think this thread says otherwise.
That thread says exactly that the only jellies that do piercing damage are lichen colonies....
And if you plan to do firestorm citadel, get vog cub. You can get some 3* gear for jelly runs (chroma set anyone?), you cannot do vanaduke with anything but the -right- 5* gear.
@WarriorX He's referring to the new changes giving slimes/beasts piercing damage as outlines by nick.
Don't really know how problematic the piercing damage will be in T2 yet. I would think that since the Vog Cub is 5*, it should be adequate even without the piercing defense since it has enough other defenses to soak up attacks. If concerned about it, might wait and see.
I don't think ALL slimes are going to do piercing. It would make no sense for regular jellies (the square pink ones) to...
Dear Daystar, sorry to pop your bubble but
Well to be honest... ABOUT TIME!!! I actually wanted the +damage 5* wolver set... I could get speed ups on uv's lol, but I maybe I should still get the vog set just for fsc in the future or maybe stack up shadow/elemental uv's
Ooo, interesting. Thanks for the head's up :)
Now I wonder... WHAT OF THE JELLY KING?! :OOOO!!!!!

"And if you plan to do firestorm citadel, get vog cub. You can get some 3* gear for jelly runs (chroma set anyone?), you cannot do vanaduke with anything but the -right- 5* gear."
My tried and true Valk Helm and Skolver coat beg to differ.

Guardian, if your main reason for doing the Jelly King runs is to get tokens for the Sealed Sword Line I suggest going up to Ash Tail Gear (4*) then farming the tokens. Once you have enough to do whatever it is you want to do, then upgrade your armour into Vog for T3 runs. Although if you want to continue doing Jelly King runs for other reasons I suggest just building up a 3*/4* piercing set just for those runs. It really isn't that much trouble when you're at that stage of the game.

If you can swing it I would try to get a set of each. use the one that is appropriate for whatever levels your are fighting. I plan on doing just that myself. I already have a Max Fire UV Ash Tail Coat I will upgrade to Skolvar as soon as I can find the recipe. I also working towards a set of Vog Cub as well with UVs for Shock. With sets like those you can mix and match as need for the theme of each stratum.
The easiest thing to do would be to just get Vog Cub set like you were planning to, and when you get a huge surplus of Jelly Gems (and yes, you will), just buy the Brute Jelly set from the token trader. If you really want the attack speed bonus, though, I suppose you can craft an Ash Tail set.
Those jellies look both awesome and scary, but there's no proof that they will suddenly start dealing piercing damage at lower tiers. It could possible be just a cosmetic changes, which all enemies seem to get. Then again, enemies get new abilities at lower depths so I honestly don't know. However, I don't think we should jump to conclusions just because of one image.
As for armor, I agree that a 5 star set like the Vog Cub should suffice even without piercing resistance because it's got such a stalwart defense anyway. If it's really a concern, craft a slightly lesser set like the Virulisk set for JK runs; it can't be THAT cost inefficient. I honestly think it makes sense to have mutliple armor setups in your inventory, because there's no one set that will answer every call.
And they all said I was crazy when I made my Deadly Virulisk set. I'll see you all at the Battle Royale.
The only slime families that deals piercing damage is the lichens colonies, they are actually the only monsters atm that deals piercing damage in the game if I heard correctly on the forums. So normally people ignores pierce resistance entirely unless they already started working on the vog series.