Calibur vs. Brandish
Which is better/which do you prefer--Calibur or Brandish? I started SK very recently and got my grubby hands on a Calibur, but now I'm not too sure about my rash decision. Should I have gone for the various elemental damage in the Brandish tree, or was the Calibur a better choice?
The Calibur does a buttload of damage, at least for where I'm at. Certainly better than my Hot Edge.
For a first sword, I highly recommend the calibur line. Being a normal weapon, it has no weaknesses. I am very happy with the leviathan blade. Some elemental weapons can even buff/supercharge the enemies.
The Calibur has the advantage of having one of the best charge attacks in the game right now. You move at normal speed while charging, and it hits a full 360 degrees around you. Cornered/heavy enemies will often get hit multiple times as well. As a default go-to weapon if you're only carrying one blade, I think it's pretty much unmatched.
The Brandish line, on the other hand, are probably better weapons overall in the right situations. The fact that they do elemental or shadow damage will result in much higher damage against the appropriate enemies, and their added status effects can be very useful. Their charge attack is also quite good, though perhaps not in the same way as the Calibur's. Because of their special damage types though, you will need to make sure you're carrying something else to hit things against which your chosen Brandish isn't effective against. That can be a problem if you're still working with the default 2 weapon slots, but it isn't insurmountable. (It's also much less of a liability in a group than it is solo.)
The Calibur series will do you well all the way up to Leviathan Blade. Since it deals normal damage, it has no weakness. Brandish lines (just don't get the Cautery Sword!) are also good, but keep in mind the elemental/shadow damage weaknesses.
So ultimately it's up to you.