Three questions about crafting
Sat, 06/11/2011 - 04:56

I have three questions about item crafting:
1) Is there any advantage to using high level items in recipes? For instance, you need a hot edge (of any level) to make a searing edge. Is there any difference between using a level 10 hot edge and using a level 1 hot edge to make a searing edge?
2) Can you variant stack? For instance, can you have one Ash of Agni with 5 unique variants on it?
3) Does crafting higher level items give you better unique variants? For instance, do you get better unique variants for making a Shivermist Buster vs making a Haze bomb? (An example of a "better" unique variant: Medium damage vs undead is better than Low damage vs. undead.)
1) No it's the same
2) No, only one variant per item. If you dont' choose to keep a variant when upgrading, you'll lose that UV and get a chanche for another one.
3) No, but odds of getting a higher UV could actually be different (not sure at all)