Barbarous Thorn Blade
So I've almost completed my Final Flourish (I began working on it before Snarby's loot was announced) and I'm wondering, because I didn't see it on the wiki, if anybody has some experience with the 5* Barbarous Thorn Blade compared to the other flourishes, or just in general. With CE prices high, etc, I'm not doing as much speculative crafting anymore, so I'd like some idea of the blade's validity before I invest time/crowns/ce into it.
Right, but not all flourishes are equal. The Rigadoon and Flamberges deal significantly less DPS than the Final Flourish, and the tradeoff (if you could call it that) is that they apply statuses.
I'm wondering where the Snarble's damage falls in comparison to the Rig/Flam (low) and the FF (high).
Bump. I also am curious about this ^^
It's been a couple weeks. Anybody have input?
I'll tell you this much:
The Spine Cone's damage is identical to the Blast Bomb's.
According to the bars (remember-- take this with a grain of salt!), the Snarble Barb line has the exact same attack power as the main Flourish line.
The projectiles from the charged attack fly very fast-- almost as fast as the bullets from a Magnus. This means you can sometimes catch a Wolver with them.
I only have the three star version, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far. I just wish it was normal damage so I could use it as my bread and butter sword. I feel like I do more damage than other blades of that star level, but that might just be my imagination. Too bad though. Jellies aren't really an issue just to gun down, but constructs are common as the dirt beneath your feet. Take two steps. Trip over another nigh immune to piercing construct.
Can't use my favorite gun either.
That said, I love the flourish style swords just for their.. style! Too bad about piercing being useless against two of the most common enemies around.
I'm really glad they added a piercing sword, it is perfect for beasts and fiends with the speed, thrusts and extra damage. It is pretty good for gremlins too since the third strike interrupts and usually knocks them down.
Sure, it is pointless against constructs and slimes, but there are already many swords to deal with them, there is only one piercing sword family.
I have barbarous thorn blade, and I'm a little dissapointed. The jump back on the charge attack makes it difficult to land the main hit in addition to the barbs, and the barbs seem to do less damage than they did on the 4* version, though the snarbolax bite thing does a little more. Might improve more as i get used to it, its lvl 8 now.
I haven't used the flourish line, so I can't compare damage, but once barbarous is 10, i'll do some tests in each tier and give you the damages to various enemies.
Just a statement on the flourish/BB thing. From what I hear, flourish is a swordsman's piercing sword. BB is a gunner's piercing sword. BB gets you away from enemies, flourish puts you in the middle of them. Otherwise, identical damage, with the flourish being easier to get UVs on than the BB, due to 2* vs. 3* first-craftable.
Crap is that true? I got a High Attack Speed UV on my Dark Thorn Blade and based on the responses it seems like I have to go gunner. I was planning on upping my Fireburst Brandish to deal with Constructs/Treants/Jellies but should I switch it out for a gun instead?

I wouldn't call it strictly true, since for either the Flourish or Snarbosword, I tend to use my first swing to push enemies away from me to get some safety. I wouldn't say crazy's assessment is accurate; the best place for a swordsman to be is on the peripheral of the enemy mob, not in the middle of things.
The Snarble-series is the exact same as the Flourish-series.
The only difference is that instead of a thrusting charge attack it shoots projectiles. This means it's not good for some of the things a Flourish-series weapon can do, but it may be useful for other situations.