✪✪✪✪✪ CYDONIAN KNIGHTS (Recruiting all types of players) ✪✪✪✪✪

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I am BlitherPaladin one of the leaders at Cydonian Knight here to notify you that we are currently recruiting players for our guild. We are mostly looks for players that are active for the most part. I am going to split this topic into the following sections: About us, Lock Down and Blast Network (PvP), Farming, Newbies, Guild Hall and Activity.

▼About Us▼

Cydonian Knights have been around since 2012, so quite old. At the time the guild had one aim, be friendly and help newbies however this has changed. Now we are slowly getting into GvG games as we are starting to get a decent amount of Lock Down players coming in (see more in the PvP section) also we continue to support newbie players.


As I previously stated, we only got around doing GvG recently otherwise were not really active with it, that does not mean we don't have good Lock Down players as we do have a few bad ass people like Swagadon, King-Ishzark, Dr-Yokushu (who is also the founder and a very active LD player) and Laseralpha. If by any chance you would like to help us out in our GvG campaign please consider joining Cydonian Knights!


If you are a farmer e.g you love to farm Crowns and Tokens dropped from boss's we also indeed have a place for you. Cydonian Knights is filled with farmers who not only donate the monies and tokens to the Guild Hall but people who can lend you a crown here in there (if you a loyal member of course).


Newbies, don't worry! As I previously mentioned we were all about helping new players from the beginning. Cydonian Knights will accept any beginner players. We will help you with runs, crafting and overall progression. We can also take you to shadow lair once you reached defender elite or Vanguard if you are interested in any of the 5* Shadow Lair is offering.

▼Guild Hall▼

To say the least... it's maximized out, we go everything from Alchemy Machines to to the all mighty Snipe Garden. However we are looking for players that can donate event furniture as we are lacking those. The guild hall itself is expanded completely and we are very proud of it.


Not gonna lie, in 2014 we almost thought that we were gonna die for good. That is not the case now however, we have at least ten people active on average currently and are looking forward to expand our activity further. All the Guild Masters, Officers and Veterans are active and hop on at least once a day. However, work is still needed to be done on members.

If you would like to join Cydonian Knights PM me in Spiral Knights or just post your IGN down below.

Frozane's picture

Yeah Blither, lets work on that...