New guild! Hallowed Core, looking for members!

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Who we are: A mixed group of Veteran and Newbie players, looking to have fun and look cool.

What we do: play the game like veterans and newbies, have fun, and look cool!

To join the guild, just have cool looking armor or a cool costume. it doesn't even have to match.

The ranks:
To be a Member, join and donate 100 Crowns.
To be a Veteran, play a lot, be cool, donate from time to time, and have a costume.
To be an Officer, prove that you know how to have fun without being too reckless, and that you know when to put your foot down without being too mean.
There are only two GMs, me and KusamaDragon. I might consider adding more in future.

WE NEED MONEY FOR EXPANSIONS AND CHAIRS is a common MOTD. don't join if you have no sense of humor.

Darklordclyde's picture

Howdy I am interested in joining you're guild, I am a sk beta player I run most effectively with gunslinger stuff, my costume is a citrine rose costume, bk cowl and snarly coat, shade plated firefly armor w/ crest of summer, gold wolf tail, and frosty dragon wings on it with a stranger hat