good 4 star sword for all-around situations

14 replies [Last post]

i just bought a recipe for the dark thorn blade and a couple other recipes (even if i wont need to use the equipment it could be useful for selling later on) but im wondering what some good gear is for four 4 star level. so far i already have a mighty cobalt helmet and i think im gonna complete the set, because they have good stats for normal and piercing damage. and im planning on getting the master blaster for my gun because i like my long range weapons to be equally efficient on all range of enemies.

so im wondering what a good four star sword would be for all around situations

Falminar's picture
Bad swords Dark Thorn Blade:

Bad swords

Dark Thorn Blade: This isn't a bad sword because of its max star level or stats, but its recipes can be hard to find. (You can only obtain its recipes from Basil at clockwork terminals in gates.) If you don't mind a bit of gate farming to find and buy recipes, it's still an option.

Winmillion: Only goes up to 4-star, meaning you have to switch later to progress in the game. Only good for collectors.

Cautery Sword: Doesn't even go up to 4-star. Avoid this. It's one purpose is done better by the Nightblade anyways. It's also crafted from the same sword as the Nightblade, but needs a limited material (can only be obtained with tokens) to craft. Just... Don't get this. Like the Winmillion, only good for collectors.

Searing Edge/Shocking Edge: You might already know this, but these only go up to 2-star. So just avoid them, like the Cautery Sword.

Other options

Ascended Calibur: If you want a weapon that's okay for anything, then this works.

Cold Iron Carver: Similar to the Ascended Calibur, but lower damage against most monsters. It deals significant bonus damage to undead.

Silent Nightblade (low experience with this): Deals shadow damage, but still is good for other monster types as well because it deals split normal/shadow (?). Good for farming Royal Jelly (and any other slime enemies)(?).

I can't really give any info on the rest right now. Wait for someone else to post for the other options.

Holy-Nightmare's picture

Ditch the Cobalt gear for something with status resists. The Magic/Owlite Line is much safer and useful in the endgame. If you get really skilled at dodging along the way you could make Chaos set (I wouldn't however..... one lagspike and you end up dead or missing half your HP)

For Swords you should look at:

Combuster: Fire Brandish, high damage, reliable knockback, powerful elemental
Acheron/Nightlbade: Strong Shadow damage, reliable knockback, has a poison sidegrade
Leviathan Blade: Strong safe to use charge, reliable everywhere

Traevelliath's picture

Why is the Dark Thorn Blade a bad sword? Other than the recipe rarity, it's a great sword. Aside from the charge, it's identical to the Flourish line, which is another great sword line.

I really DON'T recommend even bothering with the Cold Iron line. If you want a sword for specifically undead, then get an Elemental Brandish. It'll work against everything except Gremlins and Beasts, one of which your Dark Thorn Blade will do spectacularly against (Beasts). Elemental Brandishes will also work great against constructs to help add to your coverage. Nightblades (another brandish) are great too, with high damage and a comfortable attack speed.

If you don't like brandishes and don't mind recipe hunting, then you can try the Sealed Swords. Both the Divine Avenger and Gran Faust are respectable swords. Some love them, but I'm a bit indifferent. They're best in crowded areas where the wide swing arc and the high knockback can really shine. I personally prefer brandishes for the three-swing combo, in case I really need to kill the big monster of the room.

Also, Bopp's Sword Guide

Falminar's picture

I mentioned that it is an option, but can be hard to obtain.

Editing the post to make my point on why it's in that section a bit more clear.

Kneeanderthal's picture
I would go for blazebrand

I would go for blazebrand first, since the majority of endgame enemies seem to be shadow resistant

LOL speak of the devil I

LOL speak of the devil I bought a dark thorn blade recipe yesterday it came up in a traveler chants list in clockworks

Edit: how is the dark thorn blade in other situations, though? Against beasts that take other types of damage

Traevelliath's picture

Flourish like weapons (like the Dark Thorn Blade) are good against Fiends and Beasts. They also got one of the best speed vs knockback ratios of the game (assuming you just use the first slash). Also, Bopp has more to say.

Bopp's picture

Traevelliath, thanks for linking my sword guide.

Bomberbang, it seems that you need to learn how damage types work. That's covered at the start of my guide. You're working toward Barbarous Thorn Blade, which is great against fiends and beasts, good against undead and gremlins, and terrible against constructs and slimes.

If you truly want one sword for all situations, then I recommend Leviathan Blade. But you probably don't truly want that. For example, if you're trying to get through the game using just one sword and one gun, then I recommend Combuster for the sword.

Madman-Benji's picture
Hunting blade suits me just

Hunting blade suits me just fine.

Bopp's picture
ignoring the necro

Hunting blade suits me just fine.

That's good, but it's like saying "$100 suits me just fine", when someone offers you $150.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

Winmillion is cool looking so you should craft it. It also has the nicest range of all the swords, and is normal.

Corporal-Shade's picture
I'm a Wizard

Winmillion is cool looking so you should craft it. It also has the nicest range of all the swords, and is normal.

Keep your blasphemy away from me.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

I use winmillion all the time. It's a great weapon. Poor damage limits it to utility but swords are kind of bad for damage any way.

Sir-Henry-Cooldown's picture

But... isn't the whole purpose of swords to be doing pure damage? Guns, sure, can be really damaging late game with charges, but swords are meant to be high DPS in general.

Anyhoo, you want an average sword? That's a toughie, since the only real best one is Leviathan. It's good for everything, but it leaves much to be desired. It's charge attack is really strong if you shove an enemy in a corner, since it deals three(4?) hits with it's spin. Also, you should REALLY consider 5* swords in the whole scheme of things, since most weapons show their true potential there.
I agree with the rest with getting rid of the Cobalt armor. There's MUCH better. The Normal/Pierce is outdone by the more common types, to say the least.

Now that I think of it, no one mentioned the Troika lines. That's a pure normal weapon that can stun with it's charge. If you wanted to keep enemies at bay, it's really good to attack once, strafe, then shoot or what have you. It's mainly a defensive weapon, but it's nice for a large range of monsters. Just don't expect much out of the stronger monsters, since some can leap or dash while they attack, instantly skipping the area you shoved them to.
There's also a Troika that freezes, but you need PVP tokens for the recipe and materials, and since it's a bit empty at the moment...