Is Obsidian Crusher good?
I don´t own a Vortex bomb yet so I´d like to know more about the 3 types:
Electron Vortex which inflicts shock status and deals elemental damage.
Graviton Vortex which deals shadow damage and
Obsidian Crusher which deals shadow damage and inflicts poison.
which bom wold you recommend for vanaduke? obviously electron is strong but how about obsidian crusher? does the poison outdamage shock in groups?

Obsidian crusher shuts down healers via poison (which makes healers damage instead of heal) as well as clumps enemies for destruction. Electron vortex clumps enemies even better, via applying the shock status to them. The shock is also made to tick over all of the enemies, doing much more than it would if it were simply one or two enemies next to one another.
Crusher is a more significant item as it accomplishes much more than just clumping, but electron vortex is much more effective on many levels.. like FSC, where there aren't many healers and the bulk of enemies resist poison/shadow.
There is almost no situation where graviton beats out both other options- against poisonous enemies the shock status is more important than damage, and against shock enemies the poison is of benefit if there are any healers/if you have any team mates chasing down enemies.

Graviton is probably just the easiest to acquire..... that's about all it has over the rest.
First, you can find tons of threads on this question by doing a Google search (or Duck Duck Go, or whatever, but not the forum's built-in search) such as crusher vortex
The short answer is that all three vortex bombs are very fun and effective. Damage is not the point, so the damage type doesn't matter. The original Graviton is slightly worse than the others due to lack of status. If players had a vote on whether they prefer Obsidian or Electron, they would probably pick Electron. But Obsidian is nearly as good.
does the poison outdamage shock in groups?
The point is to unleash other weapons into the vortex. The poison makes all of these other attacks more effective. So it probably out-damages shock, if you're using it correctly. But shock can do significant damage in tight clusters of monsters, and the advantage of the shock is not the damage anyway. It's halting the knockback, so that you can regroup the monsters for another vortex. Thus the two status versions are different but both good.
which bom wold you recommend for vanaduke? obviously electron is strong but how about obsidian crusher?
In Firestorm Citadel, Obsidian and Graviton will do almost no damage themselves. But again that is not the point. Does that make sense?