Should I use Auto-Targeting as a gamepad player?

When playing with a gamepad, I have trouble aiming with a gun. Should I use Auto-Targeting and if so, how should I?
1. Setting to Auto-Targeting by default
2. Mapping Toggle Auto-Target to a button

It's worth noting that Auto Target does not work while you're moving, making Auto Target less useful if you're trying to keep your mobility up while keeping accuracy (with the exception of Magnus lines). If you can, like Flowchart said (I think?) simply add a toggle button if you need it as there are many more weapons that benefit from not using Auto Target than there are with Auto Target. You can easily bind this to a button that you wouldn't necessarily need access to normally other than occasionally needing to press it, such as L3 (pushing the left stick if you have one).
Just as an example, I personally like using R3 for toggling AT since I use my right analog stick for facing directions-- but I also use RB/R1 for my action rather than A/Cross, so I don't have to press my four face buttons while toggling AT.

My preference is to keep AT off but keep my toggle button handy. I have good accuracy with guns but sometimes when I REALLY need a shot to count it's best to stop and toggle. While it can be tempting to use AT full time with gamepad, it's worth learning to aim, and it's quite frankly not that hard save for with small bullet weapons like Antiguas and Alchemers. Once you're good enough with aiming swords, AT becomes a huge crutch because you'll be using very subtle changes in positioning and aim to multihit and AT will throw that off entirely.
FYI my controls are movement on LS, aim on RS, attack on RT, defend on LT, toggle AT on RB, and weapons on the face buttons. I use a DualShock 4 with InputMapper for compatibility.
Toggle if you have to. Aiming directly at the enemy isn't always the most efficient especially with some weapons like brandishes and alchemers.
Are you using an analog stick for aiming? I either try to maneuver so that I'm shooting in one of the 8 directions, or move the stick towards one of those directions then nudge it towards the target. Or switch to the mouse if I have time and really need the precision.