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Cutter value

3 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Rangerwillx

I would like to know the value of this cutter. Any bids are welcome. Cutter with UV Damage vs. Construct HIGH. I want to know how many crowns this is worth, and ce if possible. Thanks.

IGN: Rangerwill

Legacy Username

I'm not interested in it myself, but I would guess it's worth roughly 50k crowns or more, judging by auctions I've seen (I've been looking for a UV Slime cutter, which is worth more because everyone wants one UV slime.) It is probably not worth as much 100k crowns, but you might get lucky and find a buyer that high.

Bild des Benutzers Rangerwillx
I went and sold it for 50k

I went and sold it for 50k cr! ty

Bild des Benutzers Rommil

i have a cutter med slime i'd let go for a reasonable price. Make me an offer if interested :D
ign rommil