
16 replies [Last post]
Suzuukaze's picture

Im a grimalkin
Anyway, which mist bomb should i get
People say the shock and freeze are good

Fangel's picture

Either move this thread to the arsenal to ask about gear, or move it to the graveyard and ask the hundreds of players online in game which bomb you should get.

Dibsville's picture

This should probably be in the "New Recruits" section, or "The Arsenal". Also, if you're looking for a mist bomb, tell us what your current gear is? It wouldn't be very practical to tell you to get Ash of Agni if you're running full Chaos with Dark Briar Barrage and Dark Retribution, nor would it be very useful to tell you to get Venom Veiler if you have a Maskeraith, etc etc. Pick the bomb that most benefits you, not the one that's the "best".

Also, what do you plan to use it for? If you're going for Vanaduke farming, you should probably pick up Shivermist Buster. If you want it for PvP, Voltaic Tempest. If you want it for general use, Venom Veiler or Stagger Storm. Party-support while still being offensive? Ash of Agni. Pure party-support? Venom Veiler. Etc...

Crazee-Pi-Forum's picture
Remember, don't shoot food.


That's my Chromalisk impression.

Midnight-Dj's picture

Freeze is Vanaduck's kryptonite, shock is the reason why you will never have friends in LD, make your choice.

Suzuukaze's picture

I currently have
Spiral demo helm
Spiral demo suit
Blast bomb

Everything else is 1* or 0*

Dibsville's picture

If you're a bomber who is just starting out, don't worry about mist bombs yet to be honest, but if you want to pick one up you can't go wrong with Venom Veiler, or Shivermist Buster if you plan to farm the final boss.

Suzuukaze's picture

Ok thanks you

Falminar's picture
And your sprite?

nor would it be very useful to tell you to get Venom Veiler if you have a Maskeraith

Bopp's picture
Bombing Guide

Have you read the Bombing Guide on the wiki? It's pretty good. It can help you formulate more specific questions.

The choice of haze-style bomb comes down to a choice of status. They're all pretty good, but my three favorites would be fire (pure damage), stun (pure crowd control, without the drawbacks of freeze), and shock (some damage and some crowd control). Poison is good if you play in parties a lot, but I don't.

Suzuukaze's picture

My sprite is a drakon
And i will read that guide now

Holy-Nightmare's picture

The Fire Haze bomb is a good one to start out with. The damage ticks will chip away at enemy HP and you won't knock enemies around so your allies won't have trouble aiming.

Suzuukaze's picture
I read wiki article

It had many useful tips
The bomb i really liked was the dark renchribution
What bombs do you guys like

Dibsville's picture

Dark Briar Barrage is my go-to bomb because of its great DPS, lack of knockback but high knockdown rate on soft-bodied enemies (especially Gremlins and Wolvers), the fact that it chains very well into itself because of the lack of knockback, has a short charge time and a fast running speed while charging, and is just generally a great bomb to own.

Otherwise, Electron Vortex or Stagger Storm for support, or Dark Retribution for raw damage. I'm also a fan of Graviton Vortex because I love the way it looks.

Suzuukaze's picture

Sounds likea good bomb
I will try to get

Falminar's picture
You should also consider how to get them.

DBB: Reward from Snarby tokens. Recipes for upgrades are Basil-only in the Arcade.
EV and SS: PvP rewards.
DR: Expansion mission reward (purchase with real money or 3200 energy).

Fehzor's picture

My vote is stagger storm. By far the coolest plus you can get recipes for basically free if you play lockdown or blast network for a while.