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Endgame Equipment

Keine Antworten

I was wondering about my near future endgame equipment and I just wanted some input and suggestion about what you guys think about my armor/weapons would be appreciated. I have the four star variants of all these items with the same UVs listed and most the recipes I just need to craft and level up.

Armor set for Tier 3 Weapons: DA, planning on GF, storm driver UV construct low not sure about 4th suggestions?

Helm: Vog cub cap UV shock medium

Armor: Vog Cub Coat/Divine Mantle UV piercing low

Shield: Grey Owlite Shield Uv shadow low

Trinkets: Dread skelly trinket
Royal jelly trinket

Armor set for tier 2

Helm: Skolver cap UV elemental medium

Armor: Skolver coat Uv shawdow low

Shield: Barbarous thorn shield

Trinkets: Dread Skelly trinket