If there was a Leviathan Brandish, would you use it?

It would be pure normal damage, and have the same damage on the normal swings as Levi, but it would have the charge attack of a Brandish.
No status.
Also, it's colored like Levi, but shaped like a 5* Brandish (besides Acheron and Obsidian Edge). There were some Spiral Spy videos showing a reskinned Brandish with that appearance (haven't tried Spiral Spy, but it can reskin items, right?), but I can't find those now...

In most cases there's no real point in using normal damage when there are alternatives. I think I would use one in DaN if it had status and/or good damage.

No. But it's a reasonable question. A normal brandish would be pretty versatile, much like Iron Slug.
But the Leviathan regular attacks are a bit too weak. Make it just like Combuster/Voltedge/Glacius/Obsidian, but normal damage and no status. That would be a harder decision.
(I would still not use it, because my other brandishes are too strong. But a new player might be attracted to it.)

I'd try to use it and I'd certainly love to have one but that's just because I'm a weapon collector. It would probably be pretty eh though, especially compared to things like iron slug and acheron/combuster.

I'd use it. Brandishes are kind of overpowered anyway.
inb4 that's the next promo weapon.

Actually for the sake of balance it would have a power level equal to that of an Acheron which is to say the NEUTRAL damage would be equal. Yes it would indeed be useful but simply changing the leviathan blade with it's current attack power would leave it underpowered.

"Actually for the sake of balance it would have a power level equal to that of an Acheron which is to say the NEUTRAL damage would be equal."
This is what would happen if it was made, because balance clearly doesn't exist and buffing outclassed weapons is totally better than nerfing the weapons that outclass it. It'd have the same damage as a Troika (as Acheron, DA, and GF already do), except it would be a Brandish, so, you know, yeah, I'd use that.
But if you're asking to take Leviathan Blade and replace its charge with a Brandish charge, then no.

Well if it did the same as acheron I'd use it over current leviathan whenever I didn't plan on charging it and often just in general, since leviathan's charge is nicer than the brandishes in terms of safety but the brandishes charges aren't exactly bad. It'd probably get more use than my combuster, but that isn't really saying anything.

Varying damage types and status always seem the best, at least for me. I actually prefer the FoV over the Leviathan, but it seems many people think a little bit of fire is a game changer.
Normal damage just doesn't seem very practical unless you're fighting very specific enemies. (i.e Tortos)
I could definitely see this being a common Tortodrone fighting weapon alike to the Iron Slug, but other than that I doubt it'd have a real purpose compared to other Brandishes.

In most cases there's no real point in using normal damage when there are alternatives.
Except the fact that getting specialized weapons is a big orb grind, and an absolutely massive fire crystal grind.
Also, Danger Rooms.
Also, two or three weapon slots.
Also, Iron Slug, Sudaruska, and Volcanic Pepperbox.

There's the case here, though, where he's saying to give it the same damage as Leviathan Blade. If it was given the same damage as Acheron, or heck, even the status Brandishes, I'd be all over it, but honestly Leviathan Blade is better if they're doing the same damage anyway, on top of the other Brandishes simply being better even in areas where enemies resist that damage type (four of them have useful statuses, while Acheron can easily compete with a Normal Brandish if it did Leviathan Blade damage).

Running dreams and nightmares as quickly as possible in your already heated black kat + chaos get up with your already heated vortex, brandishes, slugs, ashes of agnis etc. with your fully heated friends that are in the same boat as you can net you (and the friend, but no new players being carried) a good 90-100 rads per hour. That's only 4-5 hours to earn a single 5* weapon worth of fire crystals, assuming you don't actually need them and are just crafting gear for the sake of it. The radiant drought is over!

You seem to overestimate how many players are good enough, and have friends that are good enough (and willing) to play DaN over and over for hours without vomiting profuse quantities of Sparks.
And your example audience for the mission is people who are already specialized, aren't on their first 5 star equipment, and who honestly need the Radiants the least. I rest my case.
Cautery Sword.
And Brandishes have more damage than Levi against neutral despite having statuses, therefore you're asking to severely nerf it if it was made normal plus nerf it some more by lacking a status. So, no.