So is the Catalyzer intended to be useless now?

I used to use it before the gunner update an thoroughly enjoyed it, so I thought I would try the new version out.
What on earth happened? am I missing so trick to using it or is it just awful now? Its like the radiant sun shards all over again.
Please enlighten me, this is a weapon I dont want to hate.

Seriously? I've had so much fun with the new Catalyzer. All they did is swap the charge and the normal shots. It's not rocket science.

There have been several threads about this. This one is currently five below yours on the front page of Arsenal forum:

Nah OOO messed it up, like every other weapon
Seriously? Cut them some slack, the only other weapon they've really messed up was radiant sun shards. In the gunner update, we saw-
1. Plague needle/volcanic pepperbox buffs = those are now much better than they used to be. I loved them before the buff and they got way better.
2. Iron slug becoming god-like but also hard to use = incredibly good balance, akin to the alchemers
3. Pulsar balance tweaks designed around lockdown as well as PvE. Pulsar damage is now much less, which prevents spam from being as effective.. but pulsar shot speed also went way up, which allows us to more quickly shut down turrets and move enemies around with them.
4. More weapon variants that provide coverage and encourage playing the arcade. Guns like winter grave are balanced, because of the re-freezing factor. Some of the new variants were even community suggestions- like wildfire and gilded griffin.
Catalyzers weren't some top tier thing before the gunner update at all, people hated them and Three Rings at least tried to improve them and came pretty close at first when all weapons detonated the bullets but charges detonated them twice. This striving to improve should be applauded- change is the only way they're going to get catalyzers right.

I recently acquired a catalyzer from Brinks, and it is some serious fun XD. I think that maybe they're not so popular because they have such a unique mechanic which many people can't be bothered to learn how to effectively use. But the odd normal damage weapons are good to have around, I find. And once my bro gets one too, we're going to try do a run with a catalyzer-line weapon each!

New Catalyzer is trash. It's what happens when you listen to the wish lists of people who were never going to use it instead of the people who actually did use it.
The reason people didn't use the old style gun was because the bullets were slow, which has the effect of rendering auto-aim useless and more importantly, forced gunners to chase after the targets in a rush to strike first before swordies rendered your efforts useless.
This was the issue at fault, not the tag and detonation mechanism.
As a gun, Blasters walk all over new Catalyzers because they can actually hit things and do higher damage in a shorter amount of time.
It's pointless to set up half a dozen orbs on a target and detonate because by the time you did that you could have already done more damage with less mistakes and redundant shots with a Blaster.
As a cannon, new Magnus and Autogun types have taken over that role due to the multiple hits. This was the primary attraction of the gun, the ability to load up ultra high damage at the expense of additional complexity but that fundamental feature was stripped away from it. Instead they increased the complexity even more by forcing the normal shots to support the charge (rather than the other way around) and the explosions aren't even worth setting up anymore because they are weaker now and other guns do high damage bursts better anyway.
Last time I checked, Neutralizer had it's damage output reduced behind Biohazard for no good reason. At least the Biohazard charge still has a use as a good source of poison, unfortunately the poison+shadow combo has strong competition now due to the Obsidian Carbine and much more significantly, the Maskeraith sprite.
To fix the Cat they need to revert the changes, increase the speed of the normal shot at least, revise the damage of the Neutralizer, and ideally revise the poison chance of the Biohazard.

Catalyzers are actually some of the most OP guns in the game if you look at their abilities in a new perspective. The new charge for the Neutralizer, which with CTR can happen almost instantaneously, can deal out six HUNDRED damage(with Damage Bonus Max). Biohazard can do upwards of six hundred sixty. This damage can be spread out as well if you use two neutralizers and you swap shoot, then use a charge. Picture how happy people would be of the regular attack of the Acheron was switched with the charge.

My favorite type of cookie.
Is the snickerdoodle.
And you can go around catalyzing everything if you really want to, but it's not going to change the fact that the weapon is complete garbage. We've all tried to make it work and most of us have, which is why we're telling you that it's trash compared to everything else we've made work.

Tbh, Catalyzer is the only "trash" weapon that I can still have boatloads of fun with. My absolute favorite runs to date have been pure catalyzer runs with teams of catalyzers.
I kinda want to test the effect of multiple catalyzers in play now. A project for a rainy day maybe.

I wanted a Biohazard to pair with my Polaris.
I guess I'm gonna get a Permafroster now.
P.S. I already have 2 Pulsars ;)

I'm well aware of charge speed on cats, I generally run with Seerus and have ctr med and high on mine and even rolled a vh once.
Using the modified charge has rendered a 3 shot gun into a single shot. A big number flies off, but that's at the expense of 3 other numbers that used to be there instead.
It is interesting that you mention the bio is still stronger than the neut when the opposite used to be true, so I guess they still haven't addressed that presumed accidental nerf and most likely never will.
People were going on about how the new cat was gonna be soo OP and how we will all gonna run cat parties.
It hasn't happened.
The cat change has been one of the biggest nerfs in Spiral Knights history, but nobody seems to care.
Your Acheron analogy is problematic because it's a multi hit charge (and of course it's disproportionately stronger than anything else it's related to because you know, who cares about standards and metrics when there's gemstone boxes to sell), remember that while attack/charge are reversed the damage isn't, so the damage of the 'splats' would be reduced to fit into being a standard attack (Leviathan would have been a better fit for this scenario):
A single swing throws the target across the room with the combination of standard damage plus some reduced splat damage, but you would have to chase the target to do it again, otherwise your follow up swings would only connect with the weak end splats - a buff paid for by 2 nerfs and the players' burden, cripplingly so on something like the Leviathan.
A charged attack is the single strong swipe, but without the splats - a huge nerf, worse than how the sword used to be when the game launched in fact.
Your new Acheron now favors single swing game play, the charge being used significantly less and you have to be prepared to run after absolutely everything you constantly flick about otherwise you might have well just used a gun instead of what was supposedly a sword.
Now that would be a nerf that people would care about.

Nerfed or not, I still enjoy using my Biohazard on occasion. Unfortunately, without any real diversity in the Catalyzer line, and with the enormous lag that comes about from knights making enemies go "boom" for ridiculous amounts of damage, it's a weapon series that sees very little usage outside of novelty and/or "just for fun" purposes. :/
Nah OOO messed it up, like every other weapon