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A Bunch of Questions V2

9 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Corporal-Shade

1. Are the 3* and 4* caliburs identical in design?
2. Does Vog out damage Skolver in dps?
3. What's with the Grand Tortoises stats compared to the Gorgomega? (Edited)
4. Are piercing guns useful? Don't tell me about Blitz. (Edited)
5. Are the non-normal blasters outperformed by other guns?
6. If DVS poisons a beast, will it deal more damage than WHB?
7. Does Fire Barrier or Poison Barrier do more damage?
8. Is Dread Skelly Shield or Crest of Almire better?
9. What is the Heater Shield supposed to do?

Bild des Benutzers Bopp

1. I don't know, but they look identical on the wiki.

2. No. Each level of ASI increases your hitting rate by about 4%, while each level of damage bonus increases your net damage by about about 5%. Therefore damage bonus offers more increase in DPS. On the other hand, the practical value can vary wildly: ASI always speeds you up by about 4%, while an extra 5% damage either makes a huge difference or no difference at all.

3. ?

4. Try Callahan (last I checked). But really try Dark Briar Barrage.

5. Yes. Alchemers out-damage them if you're good at landing the ricochets. Autoguns and magnuses have extremely high charge damage, that makes blasters look small.

6. I'm not sure. It depends somewhat on how often the poison is inflicted of course. Poison reduces a monster's defense by somewhere between 10% and 25%, depending on the strength. DVS' poison is strong. At depth 24, where "neutral" defense is 131, poison gives you between 13 and 33 extra points of damage per hit, or between 26 and 66 extra damage per stroke. (A cutter stroke has two hits.) In comparison, WHB's damage+3 gives you about 36+12 = 48 extra damage per stroke. Of course, there are other considerations when choosing between these two swords.

7. I don't know, but the practical value of poison depends on how many knights can exploit it, so it might be an apples-to-oranges comparison.

8. Dread Skelly is better in freeze and poison situations. Crest of Almire is better in shock and fire situations.

9. Heater Shield is not regarded as one of the most useful shields in the game, although it's good in gremlin/construct freeze levels.

Bild des Benutzers Vohtarak-Forum

1. I think so, I havent noticed a difference, but of course I dont see them very often
2. (bopp already explained in a ninja)
3. supposedly just a bigger, stronger, mythical tortodrone, theres no model for it in game and is only referred to in text
4. they will try, but theyre not impossible to hit
5. yes, all of those guns have another of the same damage type that can outperform them, blasters are the jacks of all trades, masters of none in the way they are used
6. summarizing what bopp said, the wild hunting blade is better against beasts, even counting poison
7. depends on how many times they hit and when (or if) status is applied
8. dread skelly for poison and ice, crest of almire for fire and shock, in the way of type defense its up to you to decide
9. an elemental freeze shield, so its for fighting freeze type gremlins and constructs

Bild des Benutzers Corporal-Shade
I'm a Wizard

3. The Shield. If that wasn't the name. Isnt there another tortodrone Shield with stun resist and another thing?

Bild des Benutzers Vohtarak-Forum

you mean the gorgomega? the shadow/stun/freeze one?
defends shadow, stun, and freeze of course
the stun works for regular greavers, devilites, trojans, dust zombies, etc
freeze for the freeze variant of all shadow damage enemies
it also has the larger and more damaging shield bash

Bild des Benutzers Corporal-Shade
I'm a Wizard

I will fix the question later.

Bild des Benutzers Vohtarak-Forum

in the time it took you to make that post you could have edited the OP

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

Devilites don't dodge bullets while attacking or after dodging a certain number of times, and are only triggered when the bullet is first spawned. If you want to hit them, just time it appropriately and use any gun. Alchemers can also be spammed to kill them- just fire into the crowd and don't worry about aim. They'll dodge a ton and the bullets will bounce around everywhere until connections are made. Storm driver in particular will shock them, allowing you to focus a few attacks on them.

Blaster damage is relatively low on a DPS scale, but relatively high when it comes to bursting. The difference is in how many shots you're shooting and whether you're using them with say, a sword.

Bild des Benutzers Falminar
1. Yes

Bild des Benutzers Jenovasforumchar
Question 3: You may have a

Question 3:

You may have a look into the shield overview of the wiki:
If you talk about Gorgomega, then ice and frost would fit pretty good to that danger mission Heart of Ice.

Question 4:
A weapon for dodgy devilities would be the Yellow Tortogun (Savage Tortofist). But due to its difficutlies, I would not recommend it to you, if this is your first gun or if you are not used to mechanics yet. If you know how devilities work and you can predict their movements until shards fall down, then you are able to get rid of devilities while keeping your distance. But for easier use I would recommend Blitz Needles first shots, so you never have to reload the gun. The first shot deals enough damage to get things done and it does do significantly less rooting than the charge attack of that gun.

Question 6:
if your damage bonus is level 6 (Maximum!), then both swords will deal the same damage. So I would not advice WHB here. If you need the number while your damage bonus is not max, then I can't give it to you.