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Poor knights aren't allowed to use bombs

8 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

Wealthy knight bombs:
-Chaos/black kat set with health trinkets and fire/shock UVs = strangely durable "glass" cannon
-CTR UVs + heat level 10 = able to spam bombs and combo bombs with other weapon types
-5* = large radius that gives them legit crowd control
-Access to dark retribution = some single target damage

Poor knight bombs:
-Chaos without trinkets or fire/shock UVs = very glasssy glass cannon
-Bomber armor = no damage increases = limited mostly to support
-Not-Volc demo bomber armor = less ctr increase wrong choice gg
-Non bomber armor = zero ctr good luck have fun
-Under 5* = mild but not fantastic charge time reduction.
-Under 5* = radius is smaller, less of an effect etc.
-5* = Probably not heated missing at least one level of CTR

The effect is there with swords and guns too where guns become more or less charge focused and who hasn't heard of brandish spam but those have normal attacks as well so you're at least able to do that.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
not great, but not that bad

I understand your point, but let's look at a poor bomber:
* Volcanic Demo helmet and suit (heat level 1)
* Swiftstrike Buckler (heat level 10)
* Dark Briar Barrage (heat level 5)
* Voltaic Tempest or Ash of Agni (heat level 5)

Defense is okay. It could be improved with a better shield. Offense is ASI+3 and CTR+5. VT/AoA is spreading status admirably. DBB is doing low damage, but I suspect (without having detailed unheated damage tables) that it's more because of heat than because of damage bonus. If the damage is too low, then he swaps out DBB for a vortex bomb. And none of this includes the sprite perk: bomb CTR, bomb damage, or MSI.

I agree that this loadout doesn't show off the full power and utility of bombs, but it's good enough that even poor players should try bombing, especially if they play in a party.

Bild des Benutzers Sir-Pandabear

The poor bomber can also use salt bomb/sun shards/fully heated 4* deconstructor and their innate damage boosts.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

Not counting heat values in, DBB with no damage boost and ultra gives you 199 DPS. With ctr + 6 and damage + 6 it gives you +295. They had to work their way to that point and if they chose to use swords/guns those swords/guns are worse than they would normally have been.

So if you're a bomb enthusiast using only bombs because you love those bombs a player using black kat with a bomb trinket, med ctr uv and full heat values does at least 1.5x as much as you do in spite of the fact that you're the supposed bomb specialist. They also have guns and swords to aid them in cleaning up enemies and hitting switches and whatever else. The bombs are just the icing on the cake.

Tell me that you don't see this in action all the time. Newer, poorer, knights use swords and guns almost exclusively, and are occasionally playing with bombs but those bombs are kind of lackluster for them. Like 2/3s lackluster for them. More advanced knights tend to have chaos and therefore access to bombs at some point as their icing. I have yet to see anyone bring heavy deconstructor or the 4* shards in the wild for tactical reasons- it's always been wealthier hipstery knights bringing deconstructors because it has the cool gremlin emblem and they want to be different.

Everyone's homework: Show and tell!

Find a three or four star bomber and document what they are using, then bring them to class and ask them some questions about how their bombs are treating them. I'll go in game and try to locate mine around haven or something.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
no argument

I wrote a long response, but by the end I realized that I wasn't saying much, so here's the short version:

Most players seem to view bombs as support weapons. We need more variety in damage bombs. There should be a bomb that can one-shot-kill a single monster. Like a certain former bomb that I'll refrain from naming.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

This is like that scene in twilight when they're in the woods and she's like I think I know what you are he's like say it... out loud..

Say it.. Out loud..

Old Radiant Sun Shards


Oh and I found a 3* knight with a bomb equipped in Haven and went on a run with them. Or half of a run because my client decided to stop working and Steam wouldn't let me log on thanks volvo. Anyway they immediatly switched from their 3* shadow vortex bomb to their 3* piercing magnus to fight slimes. That either speaks volumes about their opinions or they just don't have opinions because they don't understand the game-- they didn't snipe any of the menders that appeared with their magnus and relied on their nightblade the whole time so it does make me wonder... like the weapon slot would have been wasted either way.

Bild des Benutzers Sir-Pandabear

Heavy deconstructor was my first blast bomb. I crafted it to save money.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

You're my new hero for that. Heavy deconstructor is the bomb. Literally and figuratively I mean.

Bild des Benutzers Batabii

Did someone just try to suggest the shard bombs are actually any good?