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Freeze bomb vs. Fire bomb.

12 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Rangerwillx

I like bombs, and I was wondering which bomb line to go, should I go for the fiery vaporizer line, or the freezing vaporizer line?
I have tryed the freezing vaporizer and I like it, but the range sucks, and I assume that the fiery bomb has the same range,
however, I have seen the 4* freeze bomb, and it's range is much better. I have a silent nightblade to go with this, so I think the the elemental damage
would go nicely with it. Thoughts?
IGN: Rangerwill

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Shiver vs ash

So i have a shivermist buster and an ash of agni, the 5* variants of both of your bombs. In all honesty i would go with both. They both have their advantages. I don't know how many time SMB has saved my arse in flamelash arenas, and Ash is really nice for jellies and those pesky wolvers. on top of that, SMB makes vanaduke soooo much easier. So my suggestion would be to get both. they are both worth it.

Legacy Username
All haze bomb lines have

All haze bomb lines have terrible range until you get it to 5 stars, at which point their radius practically doubles.

Freezing vaporizer is the superior bomb in almost all circumstances. The fire bomb line is the highest damage, but the freeze line offers unmatched control. Unless you're planning on being a bomber, there's virtually no reason to get a fire bomb.

Portrait de Cobaltstarfire
metaphysic has given you a

metaphysic has given you a really narrow opinion.

As Tan Horseman said above, both bombs have their uses, they are also completely different play styles. If you are able to I would suggest checking out both, as they are both fine bombs to have in your arsenal.

Portrait de Icee
Both! Definitely both.

I would absolutely get both (actually, I have both). Both have, in my mind, equal utility. Freeze is great for sticking enemies in place. This means gun puppies and retrodes can't aim at your party, lumbers can't turn and smash you, etc. However, when the enemies do a circumferential attack, especially one with a long range like lichen spikes, ice isn't nearly as useful because the enemy can still hit you and there is no way to "sneak up behind." Fire is fantastic against enemies with range attacks because it does huge damage. It's also great in arenas (not flamelash, obviously) and other crowded rooms because it does massive damage to lots of creatures - enough to neutralize the healing power of ironclaw menders. I never go in a party without both of these bombs. (I usually carry freeze and my mate carries fire, so you don't need to take both personally if you have a friend who you party with regularly. Despite that, Ash is actually my favorite of the two. I just worked up freeze first, so it's what I use most.)

As stated above, haze line bombs are most powerful at the 5* stage, but contrary to Metaphysic's warning, they can actually be quite useful at the 2-4* levels as well. With the smaller radii strategy is more tricky, but in my opinion maybe a bit more fun. Look to use them in hallways or other narrow openings that force enemies to walk into the mist. If you're good at "kiting" (i.e. getting enemies to follow you), you can lure things into the mist no matter how small it is.

hey, this is a great question

First of all, don't take anyone person's opinion on this as gospel, no matter how it's presented. In my humble opinion, these are the two best bombs in the game. If this were a single player game and I had to pick one weapon and only one weapon to carry me through everything, it would be the ash of agni. It really can't be over stated how much I use this weapon when I am playing solo.

You can take down nearly any danger room, any arena, all the levels leading up to the jelly king... etc. The only times you'll run into trouble is with oilers... and you've got your silent nightblade for that.

Now, that being said, this is a multiplayer game and no weapon is as massively helpful to a group as a shivermist buster. Seriously. There is something really nice about pinning down an entire arena room while the rest of your team charges up their leviathon blades and starts swinging them like bats to pinatas.

BUT you will notice that the shivermist is pretty slow going solo, as it's damage really requires the ice to thaw, which happens slowly or not at all if your chain freezing them. This means to be used effectively, you have to do a lot of weapon dancing and coaxing of mobs so you can take one out at a time.

If I never played solo again and had to pick one weapon, it'd be the shivermist :)

Honestly, why not get both?

Hope that helps.

Portrait de Rangerwillx
Both! Both!

I keep hearing people say: Both! Both! And I think, well, I don't have THAT many crowns, but I could probably save up.
Now the q is, which 1 first lol, I think the shivermist will try to be my first bomb. Thanks for all your help!
Friend me!
IGN: Rangerwill

I'd recommend fire / ash for

I'd recommend fire / ash for mainly 3 reasons:
1) If you're good with bombs, you can do most things you can do with freeze trough aggro / mob control with fire.
2) If you're not (yet) good with bombs, it's a lot easier to annoy (or kill) your team with ice / shivermist than with fire.
3) THEY SHALL BUURRRNN!!!! Everything, everyone, everywhere, all the time. (except oilers. Those should be allowed to remain... unburning).

Shivermist Buster: Provides

Shivermist Buster:
Provides Freeze. Freeze prevents monsters from moving - this includes turning.

Pros: shuts down enemy groups, allowing you to single out priority targets; controls each new wave of an Arena/Danger Room; puts out Oilers; keeps Gun Puppies from tracking players; frozen Phantoms cannot phase out of Freeze; is one of the best loadouts for Vanaduke.

Cons: frozen enemies become obstacles; Freeze does not prevent AoE attacks.


Ash of Agni:
Provides Fire. Fire is the single strongest DoT in the game.

Pros: deals strong DoT to targets that are too strong to deal with in close combat; can mitigate monster healing.

Cons: outside of dealing damage, is not useful; sets Oilers on fire.


If you like taking control of a situation, take Shivermist. If you like dealing damage, take Ash.

Legacy Username

not quite true, the dmg is really low, thers frozen jellys that can freeze u and become extremely dangerous, ash is useful at that place, otherwise it is ONLY useful to kill many monsters at once, not single targets or tiny groups, kiting can be done with other weapons

shivermist buster can be really helpful to attack monsters from behind, but u must focus on dmg, when u see ur overusing this bomb, best party bomb

Legacy Username
With the recent upgrade to

With the recent upgrade to jellies, I'm rapidly reaching the conclusion that in the absence of Oilers, the Ash of Agni is the superior choice in most situations over the Shivermist Buster. Not that the SMB isn't an awesome weapon that can totally trivialise some pretty tough enemies, but generally kiting with the Ash results in stuff dying much, much faster.

There are times, however, when the SMB is a godsend. It's a bit situational, and might depend on your party makeup to some extent, but it'll be useful enough often enough to be worth having both. It might also be more useful to newer players, allowing them to concentrate more on offense without fear of retaliation or getting swarmed.

If you have a friend, or a group of people you regularly run with, it might be worth asking them which one they'd prefer you to be sticking to the floor. The Haze-lines are a support tool, so they might prefer one type of support over another.

Portrait de Rangerwillx


Legacy Username
AoA and SMB

I have both too, and in an instance where the other guy had SMB and I used AoA, when bombing the same area, not only do they freeze/fire/freeze/fire alternatively, but the continuous damage from AoA is delt MUCH faster.

Of course, not in all situations xD

Also if you're going for T3, highly recommend a Venom Veiler as accompaning to an Ash of Agni especially for deconstruction levels :P (and 3rd arenas)