Brandish: Which UV to get?

I was thinking. Should I get a Brandish with a Very High Attack Speed or Very High Charge Time Reduction?
For me CTR without dubts

I have a very high asi acheron and most of the time I really can't decide what i would want more.

I agree with div3, as I WILL be swinging it a lot more than Charging it, but then again, if I upgrade it to a Combuster(Which I plan to do) I'll be able to do a lot more Explosive Attacks(Reason I picked it, because it has a pretty high damage & explodes when charged, perfect for a Bomber like me)
Swing a Large, Flaming Sword a lot more, inflicting the Fire Effect a lot faster, or Charge Deadly Explosions faster...
Could I get advice from another Bomber who owns a Combuster with no UV?

Offensive minded swordmen prefer ASI or damage to monsters UVs. CTR is really worthless in my opinion its
Only really usefully on DA/GFs or bombs.

If you're planning to go through the Acheron line, ASI is surely better.
For Combuster/Glacius, CTR can also be a good choice since they inflict Fire/Freeze only on charged attack
CTR all the way, with some precision i hit up to 3 enemies at once with the charge attack. And in Danger Rooms you'll also find yourself kiting and spamming the charge attack if you dont want to get mobbed. Attack speed you can get with Vog Cub and Swiftstrike if you really want it that badly.
attack speed is far superior. Most charge attacks occur when you are able to charge in a safe zone, i.e. before a button push or behind a wall, in those situations CTR does not matter. The times when CTR does matter (kiting in a danger room or small room with waves of enemies) generally you will be able to pull off a full charge no matter what, and the reason you are using the charge is not for damage for second but for damage while staying safe. In that situation again CTR doesn't matter, as you should have the time to get a full charge if you are kiting correctly. The only time I can think when CTR matters is if you are in a pinch (which it will usually fail anyway) or if you are releasing charge after charge into an enemy (which never happens except with bombs or Divine Avenger).
Brandish lines have no push back, so again CTR becomes less valuable.

Don't get Combuster. Get glacius. But for UV, either would do. But in most cases like FSC, I normally charge with my DA so... yeah. But this being a Brandish I'd have to say ASI.
90% of the time you'll swing it instead of charge it. I would go with attack speed.