WTS accessories, costumes - Feat [Shogun Helm 4ke, Metal Sonic Mask 6ke, Eye of Fury 2.5ke, Divine Cat Tail 7ke]
I'd like to purchase your Prismatic Sniped Stranger Hat.
I can do the b/o as stated of 10ke.
Regards, Divine-Donut
is the prismatic halo still available? if so i would like to buy it
I will offer 9 cs go keys for the following items:
*Divine Valkyrie wings
*Golden Laurel
*Dusky Eye Of Fury
I already sent u steam friend request. my steam is CHICOY-SPIRAL-KNIGHTS
pls accept my friend request so i can shoot you a steam offer. or just send me a steam offer and i will accept it right away. cheers
so can you log like wensday so we can be able to make a deal iìm thinking about the b/o price so if you can be on we can talk about it (sorry for the bad english) i'm italian so i will wait you 3pm -5pm

I'm mail you i'm interested to Divine kat Tail,i have the 7ke to buyout but I'm from spain and i have a problem with the schedule.Now is 4:03PM on my country,we should find an hour in which we can both be connected