Whats an ideal gun for a Melee player?

For the time being, all I have been doing was really just go all out melee on every mission, every time I was in the Clockworks. Thing is, when it comes to the odds stacking against me, I feel I am in the need of a gun. I don't want something that involves so much effort that I have to stay accustomed to a gun and lose my feel to the Cutter. So I am looking for a gun with simple and straight forward use, nothing that involves the "Switching" and can just be used by beginner gunslingers or so on. Thank you.

First, no guns require switching. Switching is just something that experts do, to increase their damage (and status) output.
Second, the point of guns is to not be in melee. Swords are for melee. If you're having trouble when close to monsters, it's because you're using one of the most difficult swords. Consider swords with wider strokes and more knockback. You might try reading my detailed sword guide, which also gives advice on sidearm guns.
Third, if you are looking for a "simple and straightforward" gun, then I would echo Wqksayi-Alt's recommendation of the Blaster line. But go for the normal version (Valiance), so that you don't have to think about monster types at all. The knockback may help you with your melee problem. The damage is not great but not terrible. Their only real problem is that they are boring (but not as boring as Antiguas).
Other than Blasters, none of the gun styles work well for your intended purpose. Pulsars won't help you much, if you don't have room for the bullets to expand because you're in melee. Magnuses and Autoguns won't work well, if you don't have time to charge because you're in melee. The only strength of Antiguas is their range. And so on.
To be honest I would recommend the shock alchemer line (Storm Driver). The ricochets let you spread a lot of status. And Storm Driver ends up being one of the more powerful guns in the game. But alchemers also have a steep learning curve. They often frustrate new players. So probably you won't take my advice now. But if you look back on this advice a year from now, you might understand why I gave it.
Finally, a lot of the fun of this game is trying new weapon styles. So try various sword and gun (and bomb) lines, to see what you enjoy. Don't worry about "losing the feel" of the Cutter. You will get it right back, if you want to.

Its funny, I actually decided to make a Prismatech before I took your advice on that, and plan to make the Nova Driver. After the Nova Driver, I plan to make Grim Repeater for those annoying Gremlins...

Nova Driver and Grim Repeater are great weapons, but I'm not sure that they're great weapons for you. All they do is lots of damage --- not status or knockback.
Maybe what's happening is that you're turning into a gunner. If so, that's okay. Check out the Magnus-line guns too. Have fun.

Freeze is a complicated status. Newbies love it, because it helps them control the room. But for experts it hinders kiting, knockback, shield-bumping, and other common tactics. I almost never see expert players using freeze.
Specifically about Hail Driver, its charge shots are great at freezing. When its regular shots freeze, which isn't very often, the next ricochet or shot often breaks the freeze. So you can't really spam it and hope to freeze a room.
So Hail Driver is not particularly good at something that I don't particularly want. It's easily my least-favorite of the alchemers. That said, almost every weapon in this game is usable, so use it if you want. But I would rather have Nova, Storm, or even Magma Drivers, or Umbra Driver for shadow damage.
If you want an all around decent gun that doesn't require to much skill, I'd recommend the Arcana. It is only weak to the classes that are laughably easy (Beasts) or dodge a lot (Gremlins). It can be used to kill turrets as all turrets are at least neutral to elemental. Blasters give good defense with decent knockback while also having decent damage and not disrupting your or your team's gameplay. As an alternative if you don't want the elemental damage, the Valiance is a fine option.
Other guns worth considering:
Pulsar line: Great knockback, Crowd control, Ok damage, Flinches enemies a lot, Some variants (Shock/Fire) spread status well
However: Disruptive, can be less effective in tighter spots
Antigua line: Fast bullets, Low damage, More of a clean up weapon
However: Really useless charge, No knockback, Lots of clicking (But I guess you use a cutter)
All of those guns are very easy to use and can benefit you as a swordie.
P.S. These aren't the only guns feel free to try others I just listed some easy guns with good utility