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Overpower first attack for Flourish

13 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Ninjtsu

After so long time, and we not have one Linux version for Spiral Knights in Steam. I think so much... Why? I am think, and think, for so many time, and believe, this is because SK not have much succes how they spect for make one Linux version.

I play thinking why he not have succes. And, I thinks find why.

If you play SK in Lockdown, you see many players using Flourish (or evolutions, or similars) whit Attack Speed Increased Maximum. If you try fight versus they, you probably not can attack after they start "combo". They attack so fast at 180 degrees and so many times, that your shield is easily destroied, and you not can fight properly... Or can, just in two ways, if use Flourish ASI Max too, or if you can kill they before start combo... If you are incredible good (most are not), you can fight properly.

So, what normal people probably do, after be executed this way... Leave this game, or, think "I play another day" and never come back...

Ok, I exaggerated a "little" in conclusion, but you understood.


Portuguese Version >>

Depois de tanto tempo e ainda não temos uma versão Linux para Spiral Knights no Steam. Eu pensei tanto... Por que? Eu pensei, e pensei, tantas vezes, e acredito que isso é porque o SK não tem muito sucesso como eles esperavam para fazer uma versão Linux.

Eu joguei pensando por que ele não tem sucesso. E, eu acho que encontrei o porquê.

Se você jogar SK no Lockdown, você verá muitos jogadores usando Flourish (ou evoluções, ou similares) com velocidade de ataque aumentada ao máximo. Se você tentar lutar contra eles, você provavelmente não poderá atacar depois que eles começarem o "combo". Eles atacam tão rápido em 180 graus e tantas vezes, que seu escudo é facilmente destruído, e você não pode lutar adequadamente... Ou pode, apenas de duas maneiras, se usar Flourish ASI Max também, ou se você poder matá-los antes de começarem o combo... Se você for incrível bom (a maioria não é), você pode lutar corretamente.

Então, o que as pessoas normais provavelmente fazem, depois de serem executadas dessa maneira ... Deixar este jogo, ou, pensar "eu jogo outro dia" e nunca mais voltar...

Ok, eu exagerei um "pouco" na conclusão, mas você entendeu.

Bild des Benutzers Poopsie
I would say...

Tthis game is not really made for pvp balance unfortunately. If you can't join their sword play, then beat them using annoying status effect weapons.

Bild des Benutzers Sgt-Brownie
"Erecting a Handgun Dispenser."

If you can't beat the "toothpickers", as we called them back then, then there are three ways to go about them:

1) Join them (use a Flourish as well)
2) Avoid them (don't be by yourself against them)
3) Become an annoying hipster (use status ailments against them)

As for the whole "Linux version of the game not being available because it wasn't successful", there's so much more to the game than just an abusive quirk on one type of weapon that could better explain the game's "lack of success", and as it stands the game's PvP is hardly the main focus of the game in the first place, so you won't find your answers to the lack of a Linux version there.


E tenho uma outra coisa a te dizer: por favor, não utilizes Google Tradutor para falar Inglês com outras pessoas.

Primeiro aprende os fundamentos da língua, e depois utiliza o Tradutor unicamente para palavras que tu não conheces ou que tu esquecestes.

Bild des Benutzers Ninjtsu
See this way...

Original text in portuguese >>

Se o PvP já estivesse tendo sucesso, isso significaria que talvez não tivesse nada significativamente errado lá em primeiro lugar.

E o PvP é um bom foco sim, porque depois que você estiver muito avançado no jogo, então o PvP provavelmente passará a ser seu foco.

Imagino que haja vários problemas a mais, mas esse é certamente um dos mais irritantes.


Trying English version (helped for google translate) >>>

If PvP already stay having success, it would mean that perhaps nothing was significantly wrong there in the first place.

And PvP is a good focus, because one day you're very advanced in the game, then PvP is likely to become your focus.

I imagine there are several more problems, but this is certainly one of the most annoying.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
imagine PvP before the Flourish nerf

Swords in Spiral Knights mostly come in two lengths: long (Divine Avenger, Sudaruska, etc.) and short (Acheron, CIV, etc.). In the old days, piercing swords were long. Imagine how powerful they were in Lockdown. So Three Rings nerfed them, by making them short.

Bild des Benutzers Sgt-Brownie
"Erecting a Handgun Dispenser."


Ok, isso sim já é um melhor Inglês; continua por esse caminho e verás que ficará a ser, pouco a pouco, natural para ti.


Except that for PvP to become your main focus in the game, you'd have to reach that "very advanced" state in the first place, and therein lies the main problem with the game; that reaching that "very advanced" state requires a really big amount of grinding, and the usual player will just never have the time for that.

Bild des Benutzers Ninjtsu
They are not alone...

Original text in portuguese >>>


Com a ajuda das guilds eles conseguem chegar lá.



Trying english with help >>>

With the help of guilds they can get there.

Bild des Benutzers Sgt-Brownie
"Erecting a Handgun Dispenser."


Yeah, no; guilds won't help you find Fire Crystals or Orbs of Alchemy -- rarities that are required to reach the endgame state -- faster.

They may help you find Basil-only recipes faster, sure, but that's only assuming they are willing to help you out in the first place, which isn't even guaranteed.

Bild des Benutzers Skiino

I totally agree with Poopsie.

Bild des Benutzers Ninjtsu
Comparing Fourish and Leviathan

Original text in portuguese >>>>>

O problema dessas Flourish é que elas parecem ter o mesmo tamanho que a Leviathan, isso é inacreditável. Se formos comparar com espadas reais só para ficar mais entendido, o Florete ( ) é pequeno e fino, por isso é agil.

Já a Leviathan me parece ser no estilo da Claymore ( ), que são espadas grandes, feitas para ter quase a altura de quem usa.

Fora essa esquisitice do tamanho, onde exatamente um Florete consegue dar o mesmo dano que uma Claymore?

English, helped for Google Tranlate >>>>>

The problem with these Flourish is that they look the same size as Leviathan, that's unbelievable. If we compare with real swords just to get more understood, the Foil ( ) is small and thin, so it's agile.

Leviathan seems to me to be Claymore style ( ), which are big swords, made to have almost the height of the owner.

Out of this oddity of size, where exactly can a Foil deal the same damage as a Claymore?

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
don't make it physical?

A piercing stroke from a foil can inflict serious damage on a human being, if it pierces a sensitive part of the body. I agree that a slicing stroke from a foil should not inflict as much damage as a slicing stroke from a claymore. But I wouldn't try to impose a lot of physical realism on a game filled with zombies, devils, gremlins, etc.

Bild des Benutzers Ninjtsu
Continues overpower

Original text in portuguese:

@Bopp, o que eu estou tentando dizer é que as flourish estão overpower, seja comparando com a realidade ou não.

Translate english version:

@Bopp, what I'm trying to say is that the flourish is overpower, whether it's comparing with reality or not.

Bild des Benutzers The-Judge-Xz

If Flourish is too fast for you, just gun people down instead. You don't have to fight fire with fire, or sword with sword in this case. LD is highly ping-based, so odds are, you're trying to fight heads up with people who have better latency than you. That's usually not gonna work out very favorably unless you're extremely used to the LD environment and how attacks register on your end. Legit, buy a Blaster or Antigua and learn how to use them properly. It'll change your life.

And Flourish ain't that overpowered. You just have to not put yourself in a bad situation and you'll be okay against it; not in a corner with no escape. Most times, you can take a hit and run away too. If you try to mash attack out of hitstun, you're gonna get stunlocked against anyone who's competent though. I consider it pretty balanced compared to Acheron and GF/DA, which have the potential to 2-shot you.

Bild des Benutzers Lordcalvinheins
dont do pvp

that's my strategy ^