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gran faust help

6 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Puckasino

hey well i was wodering how a gran faust would hold in t3? would its damage be good around the place? what abt firestorm citadel part....and what abt against lord vanaduke...just wondering <.< coz i dont really want a DA tbh =)

Portrait de Nitez
My reply

Gran Faust is great for JK, and has great overall damage. Just not in FSC because it's pretty much all Undead, Divine Avenger is better there.

Portrait de Puckasino

so....fsc is like...undead to the max...hmm..what abt rest of t3?

Legacy Username
Gran Faust...

It's very good against slimes and gremlins. If you were selective with strata, you could run gremlin levels and likely do very well in T3. (Cursing menders, crown control...) There are some pretty good material drops in gremlin strata if you can handle them. If you want to rock the Gran Faust, you should go for it. And while this is purely speculation, I imagine it will be a relevant weapon when PvP (eventually) gets implemented.

If you don't want to also get the Divine Avenger, you could get yourself a Leviathan or Glacius for FSC. I've even seen bombers with Cold Iron Vanquisher as their sword for FSC. Still, I rock the DA in there and don't think I would do nearly so well without it.

Portrait de Puckasino
what if

what if i used dread venom instead of leviathan for fsc there both norm damage..idk jus asking idk much lol =P

Portrait de Pawn
You want

You want a nice shadow damage weapon pretty much at all times. Want, not need, but still. If you are doing serious t3 should have 3-4 weapon slots. Gran Faust is arguably the best shadow weapon on the game (general consensus). Therefore, awesome t3 weapon.

Portrait de Puckasino

awsum but would it be....horrible or maybe decent..or even the fsc btw