Equipment (Long-term)

I am currently beginning SK again (Novice/n00b here), I've played this game before (a few years back) but never got to the end-tier (because of CE) but now I'm having more motivation to do it.
I am using following a guide on equipment and it is as follows:
Sword: Calibur (3*)(They said it's a good over-all sword till the end game.)
Handgun: Cryotech Alchemer Mk II (Followed the tide on the forums said that it's good for crowd control or should I?)
Shield: Horned Owlite Shield - (Good for FSC in the latter game)
Armor: Wolver Line (working towards Dusker, sorry)
I need help, I don't want to further worsen my build so hard to grind for orbz.
Is my build okay for a novice? Will this carry-on till the end game?
[Super-quick-question: What's a good place to farm for crowns for 3*-5*? RJP? FSC?]
Thank you guys. :D

Calibur is a relatively decent weapon, but it won't last you in the long run.
Cryo Driver is somewhat contradictory as multiple shots will freeze, but then cancel the freeze.
There's many good swords and guns and armors within the game, but I'll just go ahead and list what will really matter in the long run.
Barbarous Thorn Blade / Final Flourish
Voltedge / Combuster
Acheron (For Slimes) / Obsidian Edge (Gremlin packs with menders)
Warmaster Rocket Hammer
Nova Driver / Storm Driver
Grim Repeater / Winter Grave
Blitz Needle
Iron Slug ( This is more of a general weapon as it is normal damage )
Chaos Set
Black Kat Set
(With these two pieces of equipment, you'll have to get good at dodging as status ailments will kick your behind. But once you master and know how to dodge every enemy's attacks, you'll be destroying everything in no time)
Barbarous Thorn Shield (Use this to advanced through missions)
Swiftstrike Buckler (The end-game shield)
Good missions/places to farm
Sovereign Slime (Heating 4* and 5* weapons levels 5 through 10, and getting elite/advanced orbs)
Arcades with preferably no compounds for recipe farming and hunting (Can also be used to heat early levels of 3*, 4*, 5* gear.)
Firestorm Citadel (Money and Radiants)
Dreams and Nightmares (I don't prefer this, but it's good for quick radiants)
Don't forget to do prestige missions as well to shake the farming tedium up a bit.
If you need any help, PM me in-game, Wolf-The-Gangstar

Which wolver line are you working towards? I would say get vog for the fire resistance and the sword ASI. Its also good for when you do FCH.
Also, are you going for levi for your 5* blade, as I suspect you are?
For now, I think that your shield and gun are on the right path.
do you have OCH? that stuff is really nice.

@Bopp: Oh good! That was your guide? Cool! I've been reading it lately and it was the reason why I posted my concern here. Thank you!
@The-Royal-Wolfgang: Okay, I see! This a good guide. I'll consider this for my choices. Thank you!
@Lordcalvinheins: Yeah, I'll be getting that since they say FSC is good. No, sadly, I do not have OCH but I'll see that for my options. Thank you!
These are pretty standard questions, so there are many guides. The guide that you're following is not a great guide, in my opinion. Your equipment is okay but not great. Calibur/Leviathan works, but there are much better swords. Cryotech/Hail is my least favorite of the alchemers, although alchemers are among my favorite guns. Owlite is a good defensive shield line, but you should consider offense. Wolver is a good balance of offense and defense, but you should consider more offense.
So you might want to read my sword guide (including advice on sidarm guns) and armor guide.
[Super-quick-question: What's a good place to farm for crowns for 3*-5*? RJP? FSC?]
Yes, Firestorm Citadel, or Operation Crimson Hammer if you have extra Eternal Orbs sitting around. But you should also consider farming Dreams and Nightmares, because Radiant Fire Crystals are an even bigger bottleneck for many players. To learn more, you might inspect a data set such as the Lancer Knightz mission data. It gives detailed information about which missions pay most.