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5 Réponses [Dernière contribution]

Hello fellow knights, I have a few questions regarding UV's.

1. I have heard punching a status resist on a shield is a no go. Can someone confirm this and elaborate if you can craft a status instead? Multiple ones?

2. I'm interested why is rage crafting more effective than punching UV's. I've personally never done either yet but from my point of view this would mean: do I want to get a guaranteed UV with 20kcr or hope I get an UV on a lets say brandish in 4 tries (12 simple orbs and not even taking account the shards, materials and cr fee).

3. Your personal favourite shield UV's? I'd guess it would be shock, fire and freeze/stun but I don't know much how good MAX defense UV's is on a shield. Is it situational depending on the shield?

As an added bonus question I'm not sure which Heavy shield is the best one? Healthiest one? Overall best one? APS? OS? The rest?

Thank you for your time.

Portrait de Bopp

1. Yes. This is explained at Punch's wiki page.

2. You just have to work out the relative probabilities, working in reasonable estimates of how much you can sell your excess items for and how many excess orbs (or energy) you have. I haven't bothered to do this since 2013-07-30. But I have made a wiki page explaining how much UVs cost from Punch:

3. Research by Glacies suggests that damage UVs on shields help very little. Status UVs are not as good as native status resistance on a shield (e.g. shock on Grey Owlite), but they seem to be more valuable than damage UVs. So the question is: What are the most important statuses? Probably fire, shock, freeze.

4. What do you mean by "heavy shield"? Meanwhile, here's a mini-guide.

* The most important consideration in choosing a shield is offense. So consider Barbarous Thorn Shield and Swiftstrike Buckler.

* After offense (or in some highly dangerous situations), the next most important consideration is native status resistance. Consider Grey Owlite Shield for fire and shock, and Dread Skelly Shield for freeze and poison. In general, Omega Shell can also take a lot of damage, because of its extra health.

* If you are into shield bashing, then consider the tortodrone shields. But I consider these a very low priority, because movement speed is important.

There is no strong practical reason to get any other shield. For example, some players like Volcanic Plate Shield, because it is so well-tuned for Firestorm Citadel. But once you run FSC well enough, you don't need a strong shield, and you start using BTS or SSB anyway. So I don't recommend VPS.

Much obliged

Thank you for the response Bopp, your answers satisfied most of my queries.

I was referring to the "Heavy duty" shields, or rather, the shields which offer exclusively a higher normal defense (the shields which have normal defense and a status resist are included).

How would you rate these type of shields? Of this category?

Portrait de Flash-Flire

As Bopp said, offensive bonuses are really important, so heavy shields aren't that good.


That's fair, but it doesen't answer my question.

Portrait de Bopp
shields with high normal defense

"Heavy duty" shields, or rather, the shields which offer exclusively a higher normal defense

So I guess you're asking about four shields: Omega Shell, Volcanic Plate Shield, Ancient Plate Shield, and Grand Tortoise? I would rate them in that order.

But please be aware that my ranking is not based on detailed calculations. It's based on stuff like hating to give up movement speed (Grand Tortoise), and the general sense that extra health (Omega Shell) is more generally valuable than extra defense against a specific damage type.

As Ze-Epik suggested, I would never choose a shield based on this criterion, but there's my answer anyway.