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Is the padded armor set worth working towards?

4 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Zeusaa

I first tried it when I saw it on the wiki and was attracted to it due to the damage buff (and also it was a pain to find what I was looking for). I recently got a plated falcon uh... pathfinder helmet. The gunslinger set from hall of heroes is less viable since I mainly use an autogun. I'm going to go for the sacred falcon pathfinder armor when I get far enough to make 5-star items. Is it worth continuing?

Bild des Benutzers Demonicsothe
Definately good for a new

Definately good for a new gunslinger, especially if you plan on using charges often like the autoguns. Throw on a swiftstrike buckler and you'll have a good mix of offensive stats.

Chaos cloak is almost always going to be the upgrade, trading status resists for even more offensive stats. As a bonus, its a HoH recipe so you don't need to hunt for recipes. But stick with the weapon specific armor until you are more comfortable dodging and not taking damage.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp

I have a detailed armor guide, where you can get advice on armor for gunners:

Some of the Padded variants are comparable in quality to Seerus, but with status penalties. They're like less-extreme versions of Chaos, as Demonicsothe said. Yes, they are worth considering.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzors-Forum-Alt

I too have a guide-

In said guide I recommended using them to supplement your main armor choices-

"These are good for filling in holes with the above. Lets say you don't want seerus, and are looking for some armor with fire resistance that benefits your guns. Well one of the sets will have that. Generally speaking, you want the pure damage set that gives you one bonus to each asi, ctr and damage category as opposed to the pure damage vs X armors, since damage vs X is kind of unreliable."

Bild des Benutzers Sgt-Brownie
"Erecting a Handgun Dispenser."

When deciding on whether to get a Padded set, you must first and foremost ask yourself two particular questions in this exact order:

A) Am I going for a Pure Gunner set (only Handguns)? Yes/No
>If answered "No", then get yourself a Chaos/Black Kat set as you should only never consider these if you're going for a Pure Swordsman/Gunner/Bomber set;
>If answered "Yes", then move on to the next question;

B) Am I going for a Gun-Hybrid (Gun-Spammer+Gun-Charger) weapon set? Yes/No
>If answered "No", then get yourself either a Gunslinger set (Nameless+Shadowsun) or a Seerus set (Seerus+Shadowsun) depending on whether you'll be a Gun-Spammer (spams regular shots => ASI > CTR) or a Gun-Charger (abuses charge shots => CTR > ASI) respectively;
>If answered "Yes", then you've picked the right Gunner set for the job as it covers both ASI and CTR equally well;

Ultimately, picking a Padded set will harshly depend on your choice of Handguns, as some are more Charge-centric while others are more Spam-centric. Take your time to test what kind of weapons fit better with you before choosing your armor set -- Spiral Knights is a very offensive-focused game in part thanks to a deceptively lackluster defense system, and as such armor should only come second to your weapon choice.

All that being said, if you're still keen on using Padded set, then there are only 2 Padded sub-sets I recommend using: "Falcon+Grizzly Sentinel" set or "Falcon+Grizzly Shade" set.

Both Falcon+Grizzly "Sentinel"/"Shade" sets will give you a +2 to Gun DMG/ASI/CTR as well as a +4 to Shock, +1 to Freeze and -3 to Poison, which is arguably the best status protection combination the Padded set can offer.
Going full "Sentinel" or "Shade" actually provides some meaningful, defensive leeway towards the respective type on T3 (by which I mean you save like one or two pips of HP per attack received), and as such you should choose one of the two based on whether elemental-attacking or shadow-attacking monsters give you the most trouble in general. "Pathfinder", while technically as usable as the two others, is not recommended because Beasts and Slimes are really easy to handle in almost every scenario.