Best Bombs for RJP Farm?
Hey all, I'm a returning player and I want to pick up where I left off, a main bomb. I am also considering a sword or gun to use in combination with my bombs! I have four weapon slots and I currently have the Heavy Demo Suit (4*) as well as the Master Blast Bomb, Fire/Ice Atomizer, and the Rock Salt Bomb. I was wondering if my set-up is ok? I feel like my damage is pretty lackluster, especially when I'm doing elite in groups. Anyway I can optimize my build a little bit more? Also, the reason why I chose the Rock Salt Bomb was because I can't get DR yet. Are there any better alternatives?

Hi there, good to hear of more bombers!
You current gear setup sounds pretty solid, outside of DR which you mentioned being unable to get. Really the only improvement to your loadout I could suggest is replacing your freezing atomiser for the poison variant, as it helps in the last stages of the Royal Jelly boss fight. But in honesty this is somewhat irrelevant in a party as you and your teammates should be able to out-damage your gelatinous foe's healing quite easily, so just stick with what you've got.
Rock salt bomb is one of the only two shard bombs I'd recommend (the other being scintillating sun shards) as it gives a nice damage boost against slimes and the shock can somewhat mitigate the erratic knockback of the shards.
I'm afraid that bombing is fairly lackluster until you reach 5*. Bombs don't do large amounts of damage, but they do their damage to every monster in their blast radius, meaning they excel against groups but fall short on fewer targets. This is just how bombs are and is the primary reason people get driven away from them.
Nebrium mentioned Ash of Agni and Voltaic Tempest. I would agree that these bombs are very potent for large crowds, as they allow very safe (but fairly slow) whittling down of enemy groups. In regards to Royal Jelly Palace they are good against the slime minis, but not a whole lots else, as the larger slimes tend to spawn in smaller groups on this level.
Overall, you've made good choices so far. Stick with your gear, make sure you get a bomb from the Dark Briar Barrage line at some point, it's fantastic. Also, check out Zeddy's Royal Jelly Palace video, as it was made with the purpose of educating on helping purebombers through the earlier game. I feel like you might already be past that point though!
Don't be scared to shoot me a friend request if you'd like me to come along sometime too, I always like some RJP.

First, I'm not sure why an experienced player would want to farm RJP. Its crown payout is good, but not the best, and you have no chance of finding Radiant Fire Crystals, and it gets boring quickly. But let's assume that you've already made up your mind...
Shivermist Buster (including its lower-star precursors) doesn't do much damage. It does a lot of freezing, but freeze is often a bad idea, because it hinders advanced tactics such as kiting. And in RJP you definitely want to kite the monsters into your bombs. So ignore Shivermist Buster for RJP (and most of the game, really).
I would also discourage Nitronome. When used well, its knockback can be very useful, and its damage can be good. But it's hard to use well, and it's not especially suited to slimes.
Shocking Salt Bomb is okay. The shock is actually pretty nice.
I would go with some combination of Dark Retribution (in the future), Ash of Agni, Voltaic Tempest, and Venom Veiler. And Shocking Salt Bomb can mostly substitute for Voltaic Tempest here.
Why do you want a sword or gun? They won't help you much in RJP. But if you want an emergency weapon for rooms that are too crowded to bomb, then I suggest something with knockback, such as the Sealed Sword, Troika, or Blaster lines.
@Bopp, I'm currently rank 6-2 and I'm actually thinking about trying to farm Romulus Twins too! Idk, I just want my elite orbs lol. Do you have any suggestions?
Also, I guess I'll have to get the expansion for DR it seems!

Idk, I just want my elite orbs lol.
If you want 4-star Orbs of Alchemy, then consult this data page. It gives you several missions to farm. You can also farm any Stratum-4 levels you like.
Keep in mind that you can also farm crowns, use those crowns to buy energy, and use that energy to buy Orbs of Alchemy. Probably this is faster than farming for orbs specifically. But do what you enjoy.

Your master blast bomb is currently the best bomb in your arsenal.
You should upgrade master blast bomb to nitronome ASAP for the larger aoe.
Additionally, if you're truly going pure bomber, you HAVE to go for the mad bomber line. The damage bonus and CTR bonus very high makes a world of a difference - a lot of the aggressive bomber strategies won't work without having very high damage bonus and CTR bonus.
But I digress...
Unlike what bopp said: "its not especially suited to slimes" - the blast bomb line is very suited to deal with any enemy BECAUSE of its fantastic knock back.
The point in using blast bomb is to either:
Knock back enemies into walls or corners and spam safely so they can stay there until they die
Prevent enemies from surrounding you
In the case of RJP and the Jelly King fight - you would use the master blast bomb to prevent mini jellies and jelly cubes from surrounding you while you try to wither down JK's health.
You can trash the rock salt bomb once you get dark retribution.

the blast bomb line is very suited to deal with any enemy BECAUSE of its fantastic knock back.
Here's an example of what I mean.
Blast/Nitronome is great against greavers. They are fast but have no ranged attack. You want to keep them away from you, but you don't actually have to move. An expert bomber (or even a mediocre one, who times the start of the fight well) can kill an entire room of greavers by standing in one place and spamming this bomb.
In contrast, most slimes do have a ranged attack. You have to move, to avoid getting hit by it. And your successive Nitronome blasts do not hit all of your enemies. You can output higher damage per second, and more safely, using Dark Retribution and kiting the slimes into it.

Being a bomber is all about positioning not dps
Your example there, while not wrong, describes the most optimal situation for the bomber to be at to be using dark retribution against slimes - because the bomber is at the optimal position to kite the slimes.
So what happens if the bomber isn't at the best position to kite slimes? You wouldn't use dark retribution at that point due to its small aoe and no knock back, you would use nitronome to knock back the slimes and create space for yourself to reposition in order to switch to dark retribution for kiting.
The blast bomb line is very suited to deal with any enemy because it's applicable in so many countless situations while dark retribution gets its fun in the sun a handful of times.
Yes you might get hit by the slimes ranged attack but if it's not from a slime turret, it's all rng if you get hit or not.

Jellies telegraph their ranged attack. You can see where it's going to happen. Yes, I would use DR and kite slimes in all of RJP. There is no super-sensitive situation where it doesn't work.
It's pointless to optimize 5-star weapons against a 3-star threat --- as I said in post #3 --- but if you're going to do so, then you might as well use DR. Nitronome works too, but certainly no better.
Ash of Agni all the way, and if you're full bomber accompany it with Voltaic tempest.