Hammer double swipe?

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Tehepicwin's picture

The Warmaster Rocket Hammer is really weird. It's combo is swipe-dash-swipe, and the wiki says so too. However, sometimes, instead of dashing, the combo becomes swipe-swipe without warning; the dash straight-up doesn't happen. Does anyone know how this works?

Potatosak's picture
By swipe-swipe, do you mean

By swipe-swipe, do you mean the first wide attack followed by the heavier spin attack? I don't actually have a hammer, but if the combo is 3-hit, then I feel like that's probably it.

From my limited knowledge of shield-canceling, I think you're probably doing a 1st - (shield) - 1st - 3rd combo. I've noticed with brandishes that there's a limit of 3 attacks can be done in succession, even with shield-canceling, so I think that might transfer over to other weapons

Bopp's picture
I haven't noticed it

I haven't seen (or can't remember) the behavior you're describing. But then my hammer use is almost always first-second-shield. I mean, I never try to avoid the second stroke, because that's the best part.

Drischa's picture

Are you using shield cancelling?

Shield cancelling has a strange effect on combos, in that when you shield-cancel it doesn't actually reset the "combo timer" for the weapon you're using.

This means that if you attack soon after shield-cancelling a hit, the game will still use the same "combo counter" as before, but will always start with the first attack of the combo.

So in your example, you would be shield-cancelling the first hit, which makes the game think you've done the first hit of the combo. When you do another attack after shield-cancelling, you will do the first swing of the combo again. however, the game is still going off the original "combo counter", so it will count this swing as the second attack of the combo (which should normally be a dash). When you then attack again, the game will think you've already done two attacks, so you must do the third attack of the combo, which is a swipe.

I can record some footage of this in-game if you think it would help with explaining it.

Tehepicwin's picture
Now that you guys mention

Now that you guys mention shield-cancelling, you're right. I tried it out in-game, and

swipe->shield cancel->swipe->spin swipe

is the result. As with other swords, the same concept works, as you say.

Thanks for the help, this will be useful for me in both pve and pvp.