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All around defense or stack?

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Bild des Benutzers Crixdec

It'll probably be a while from now but I figured i might as well decide now,

I'm going to craft a skolver coat but was wondering should I go with the divine veil and cover all the possible types of damage? or go with grey feather cowl and stack normal defense and have no shadow defense?

Bild des Benutzers Mohandar
Some advice

I posted in Veloc's thread, but it bears mentioning here as well. There's no such thing as an optimal set; trying to cover all your bases leaves you with a mediocre overall defense. Therefore, you should figure out what gives you the most trouble, what bothers you least, and gear up accordingly. For example:

I view gun/rocket/flame puppies as the biggest damage source because I will usually be busy swording things. My awareness is focused close range, which means I have little trouble with piercing sources like floor spikes and wolvers, but more often than not some turret will fire a round up my tailpipe from long range. The other issue is turrets across chasms. So I gear up with Vog and Grey Owl, because elemental damage is most often what sneaks through my guard, and elemental damage is most often what i need my shield to tank. This setup is weak to shadow, particularly fiends because most of them have very fast attacks, and the Grey Owl doesn't hold well there either- so I usually avoid fiend levels. Although, now that I have a Crest of Almire, I may try to get a normal/shadow armor like the Valkyrie gear to to those levels.