The Cutters A slip Into Slices
Well i must tell You im a fan of cutters Step forward into action with these fast serrated edge swords. but im looking for tips how to use these swords properly i use The Vile Striker As my main i see cutters are not a very popular choice of weapons for anything. we must Use Them not to cut bread but to use as our best sword You see the dread venom striker is the best cutter but we dont see much people with it Echo must be sad if we dont use his arsenal of weapons So I say Use Cutters with love.

im looking for tips how to use these swords properly
Properly you say? Cutter was my first sword and I've spent a LOT of time trying to make it work.
Cutters are a heavily damaging but single target sword first and foremost, so you should use them for that and only that. I would HIGHLY recommend becoming a damage bomber via dark retribution and dark briar barrage, as that would allow you to both take care of crowds AND kill menders/finish off which makes you valuable. Other techs to craft would be ash of agni and valiance, for content such as GitM.
Cutters deal normal damage attacks not once but twice which means that the defense formula hates them, so you'll want to invest in damage max vs whatever you're fighting (Optimally black kat, but chaos + a trinket/perk works too) to make them even mildly functional. You'll also want to go for Maskeraith's deadly shadow cloak or Drakon's buff-the-team firestorm, as these will have a MUCH larger effect on DVS than you'd otherwise expect.
For casual content, you'll likely want a gun to compliment your complete lack of range. I would suggest starting out with valiance first and foremost because it's normal and just all around decent and most other guns besides blitz etc. are techs that simply compliment the valiance playstyle. Mostly, the gun is for hitting switches. You could also get winmillion for this role, since it would combo well with your striker and allow you to finish off enemies but most importantly wouldn't require you to heat it or craft it to 5*, making it almost free.
Since you're probably going to be a bomber, you'll want to get shivermist buster as your FSC-highlight. Some players won't need this to defeat Vana but the truth is that it almost always helps that fight, and that you'll need something to do so as not to be a water boy for life. Shiver also helps you attack enemies, as it prevents knockback which makes your DVS do more damage.
Eventually you'll also want Torpor Tantrum as a tech, because just about everyone should be crafting that for hard knights, but that's probably the last thing on your mind at this point.
Example Loadouts
Dread Venom Striker (Kill turrets, weaken trojans, fight beasts/slimes)
Dark Briar Barrage (Spam this most fights)
Shivermist Buster (Vana/trapping trojans)
You're going to assume your team is blitz/brandish because 90% of the time or so that's the case. Your goal then, is to augment their play-style by helping them trap things with shiver, weakening crowds with DBB and of course absolutely destroying things their loadout misses (beasts/slimes) with DVS.
Dreams and Nightmares-
Dread Venom Striker (finish off enemies, any time they're alone)
Dark Briar Barrage (spam for arenas)
Dark Retribution (spam for arenas)
This loadout is a bust leading up to the last fight as you lack a gun. You can tech in valiance/winmillion for this purpose if you lack a team, but generally it shouldn't be necessary as most people live during the running portion of the pacer test I mean DaN run. During the final arena you're well off as you can and should be able to spam your bombs and finish things off. Textbook loadout, though DVS doesn't really shine in this area.
Ghosts in the Machine-
Dread Venom Striker (Deadnauts, Big Iron, Turrets)
Mixmaster/Arcana/Drivers/Wildfire (That one switch)
Ash of Agni (Crowds)
A fairly effective loadout, actually. DVS isn't bad here at all, though outclassed by pepperbox. Most of the challenge comes from enemies chasing you down, by dropping ash of agni you can just cheese that and win. If you try to use DVS here to fight crowds you will die, simply put.
Legion of Almire-
Dread Venom Striker (Deadnauts, Silkwings, Howlitzers)
Dark Briar Barrage (casual spam enemies)
Torpor Tantrum (Trapping)
Again, augments your team perfectly using DVS/DBB/TT. Gives you the power to make a lot of hard scenarios easy with bombs and DVS, which again, are a winning combination. DVS is definitely capable of killing deadnauts in a few sessions, and TT is perfect for solving that situation, or at the very least the best you'll be getting given how hard it is when everything focuses you.
Heart of Ice-
Dread Venom Striker (Silkwings, Howlitzers, Trojans)
Dark Briar Barrage (Everything else)
Torpor Tantrum (Trapping)
I really wouldn't recommend this over blitz, but if you want to you can once again augment the team with it as that does help quite a bit. DBB is a GREAT weapon here, because it lets you deal damage to the masses rather than with just your DVS.
Compound 42-
Sprite perk: Damage vs gremlins
Gran Faust (Basic Survival)
Dark Retribution (Most damage)
Dread Venom Striker (Menders/Gremlins that are alone)
DVS doesn't add much here largely because you can't power it up fully, but you can sure try lol.
Shadowplay- (Assuming that you're just stupidly ambitious or something..)
Dread Venom Striker (For all the harder enemies)
Mixmaster/Arcana/Drivers (For casual encounters because DVS is too risky)
Torpor Tantrum (hit pause as often as possible to DVS them, as well as to trap things)
You're crazy for bringing DVS here but you don't care because DVS is love, DVS is life.
My sword guide specifically mentions Cutter-style swords as being fun, even if they're not very powerful or easy. It's great that you're using it just for the pleasure.
As for Echo, s/he is too much of a pro to be hurt about it.