Gunner armor
So, is there a reason to make shadowsun or anything from that path? i already have black kat 3* and full chaos set and i dont really think that as a gunner you should be worrying about defense and that glass cannon is the best way to go or maybe i am missing something?

I also have an armor guide that you might find useful. Shadowsun is probably the best traditional gunner armor, close to Seerus but not quite as good. Of course you should also consider Black Kat and Chaos.
thanks fehzors and bopp but i think i finally get how far ahead black hat and chaos are from the other sets in terms of end game damage+bonuses
so i think that now i would only craft armor for the looks of it (wearing them as costumes i have like a ton of gear that use as cosmetics , you know mix and match stuff) unless GH decides to rework or balance armors

As the end of my guide says, armor is boring. So spend your time investigating weapons instead. Cheers.
You are very much correct in that there isn't a reason to make these kinds of items.
I wrote an armor guide a while back-
And in it I wrote the following:
Those other armors..
I'm talking about armor like chroma, radiant silvermail, plate, stuff like that. No, these aren't 100% useless, but they're relatively underwhelming and not worth talking about or crafting unless you plan to collect armor. Lets take for example volcanic plate set. On fire levels, you can build the following-
volcanic plate armor + volcanic demo
This is a VERY potent set for the third round of the gauntlet, which features fire, gremlins, and various construct. But outside of that, it's pretty garbage because you raise your bomb slightly slower and massive amounts of normal, elemental and fire resist probably won't apply.
So yes, you can use these sets and they'll work to do what they say, but have fun heating them for that one tiny scenario.