Best Tortogun paired with a Voltedge?

I'll probably do a lot of FSC (without blitz because I love being That One Guy), DaN I usually end up pulling out my Valiance for, and general clockworking and arcade running paired with an elemental brandish. What does everyone here recommend?

I mean if you have voltedge at FSC then you don't need a tortofist like it won't add much but for FSC in general the elmental one because that's what everything is weak to there??? Or you can tech in the piercing one in place of blitz, though I wouldn't recommend that really, since you're gimping yourself.
For DAN you'd want either piercing+shadow or just normal, pending on whether you want to bring other weapons etc. They'll clean up the mobs much faster than valiance, and will give you a good option to finish things off at the same time...but they'll also make the content harder, because you have to plan the whole spinning around backwards thing and can accidentally hit the various slow moving+awkward projectiles.
Really this is a pretty simple decision- what do you want to fight with it? You said FSC which means zombies.... which are weak to elemental so choose that. If you can think of any other situations that you want to fight with the tortofist then you can plan for that too.

I think that FSC should be taken to mean Vanaduke, not zombies. His Voltedge is already good for zombies, but not so great for Vanaduke. Yes, he is hindering himself by not using Blitz Needle, but that's the premise of the thread.
For the wider Clockworks I think a key consideration should be the gremlin menders, because they're important and Voltedge is not great against them. Whether or not you agree with that logic: How well do tortofists perform against menders?

Would an Iron slug work as an anti-mender sidearm? I have universal CTR VH and can upgrade that to Max! (currently placed on swords instead of guns because Voltedge) by sacrificing some attack speed and/or sword CTR.
Can the Slug's charge reliably pierce through crowds to reach menders hiding in the back?
Also, can the charge penetrate Vana's fire orbs without exploding? The idea of slugs on vanaduck is weirdly epic for some reason.

Yes, Iron Slug works well on menders. So do Callahan, Winter Grave, Umbra Driver, etc.
We could have a long discussion about all of the great weapons in this game. But I thought that we were having a discussion about tortofists.
I suggest getting the Normal Tortofist since blasters with CTR UVs are cheap (or at least they used to be cheap, I got a CTR VH blaster for 100k crowns when Tortoguns were fairly new to the game). The other ones benefit from CTR on their main crafting lines, so they're a lot more expensive. And Normal damage is pretty neat because radiant crystals are kinda hard to get, so getting the normal type saves you from having to craft several tortoguns. (Mine is still 4 stars tbh)

The tortofists work OK on vana but like everything else they do it's awkward and in this case not as effective as blitz+shiver and they're much better against crowd-like enemies.... like zombies, slimes, devilites, mecha knights, stuff like that. My recommendation would be to only get the piercing one if you simply must try it on Vanaduke, and to reconsider otherwise.
Oh I need to add, I suggested the Normal one to use in the dreams and nightmares mission. It's the only mission I've used a tortofist in because the gun just let's you win the arena fights casually without having to try too hard. So that's why I use the Normal one so I can just spam charges and hit all of the enemies for decent damage, using the backwards push to dodge attacks.
After hearing about the "okay" Tortofists, I suggest you get any Type except for the Elemental type with your Voltedge. Whatever suits you. I would suggest Shadow type.
I suggest you to NOT upgrade to 5* keep it as 4*.
It sometimes proves to be a very useful gun.
Specially against all dashing monsters.
Repeatedly use the charge attack crystals as an interface between the monster and you.
NO monster can dash pass through the crystals. Use them as a barrier.
Monsters include Giant Lichen Colony, Trojan, all Deadnaughts, Slag Guards, even Vanaduke.

I suggest you to NOT upgrade to 5* keep it as 4*.
Why? Just to save Radiants?
Indeed. It is not really so worth to bring it to level 7 or above. Rather use the Radiants on other weapons.
Some of our less-narrow-minded players have studied tortofist usage. Here's a pretty good version of a tortofist advice thread. See in particular the section on Lord Vanaduke. I hope that you find it helpful.
P.S. I do not consider myself to have an informed opinion. :)