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Which Weapons and Set should i go for?

12 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Hagekobing

So by reading the topic you should've known what I want to discuss about.

So about me, i like to go offensive with swords and was thinking of becoming a bomber cause its interesting but that would take a long time.

Ok here are my main stuff (I kinda f*ed up my whole armor and shield :c)

Main Swords: Combuster, Grand flourish (sometimes faust)

Main Guns: Polaris, Blitz needle

Bombs: Thinking of crafting a shivermist buster

Shield: Aegis, Swiftstrike buckler

Armor: Azure Guardian set :(

Was thinking of getting Chaos set cause of its boost but seeing the negative effects of it idk what to do of it.

Help me please

Bild des Benutzers Bopp

If you're into swords, then you might want to read my detailed sword guide. I also have a general armor guide. If you're really thinking about bombs, then you should read the Bomber Guide on the wiki.

Swiftstrike Buckler is good and Aegis is not. Consider getting Barbarous Thorn Shield (for different offense), Grey Owlite Shield (for shock and fire resistance), or Dread Skelly Shield (for freeze and poison resistance). Yes, Chaos would be more useful than Azure Guardian, but there are some other options that you should consider.

Your swords are fine. Your guns are fine, but there's much more to explore there, but this is not a thread about gunning. Now let's talk about bombs.

A. Perhaps the most important bomb is Dark Briar Barrage. It's basically a piercing-damage, no-knockback Nitronome. It's highly useful against fiends, which seem to be the hardest monster family for many players. It's also good against other monsters (except constructs and slimes of course).

B. You should also get Dark Retribution, if you can afford Operation Crimson Hammer. Very powerful.

C. Vortex bombs completely change how you run your fights. They can be very powerful. But mainly for party play, not solo play.

D. Status-spreading bombs (fire, shock, stun, poison, and now sleep) are also quite helpful in parties. But I advise against Shivermist Buster. It is popular among novice players, because freeze helps them control a room. But freeze also hinders many important tactics: kiting, shield bumping, knockback, etc. I rarely see expert players using this bomb. You might use it for a little while, then never use it again. Not a great investment.

E. Nitronome is hard to use well, because of the knockback. But the knockback helps you survive some tricky fights: room full of greavers, Unknown Passage, etc.

Bild des Benutzers Hagekobing
Thanks for the guides

Thank you for showing the guides, they changed some of my decisions

On Armor I was thinking of changing to Vog Set, seemed very useful for swords and for FSC

Thinking of leaving out the faust and go for Acheron

About bombs thanks for the recommendation of the different types of bombs, I am thinking about crafting a new set only for bombing as imo using bombs with bad CTR are really hard to use while battling monsters especially in Arenas.

About bombs thanks for the

About bombs thanks for the recommendation of the different types of bombs, I am thinking about crafting a new set only for bombing as imo using bombs with bad CTR are really hard to use while battling monsters especially Arenas.

This is why you should consider saving up 150k crowns and buying a 2* bomb you want to craft up to 5* that has a CTR Med UV on it. It's worth it in the long run because 150k (price may vary a bit depending on bomb and I've been inactive for quite some time so I'm not up to speed with current market price for UVs) is cheap when compared to the cost of heating up a 5* item to level 10. Having CTR Med will make your bombs have CTR VH by default at level 10. That will let you avoid chaos armor's bad status resist, or save you having to get trinkets for bombs. Just makes your bombs a lot more versatile, because you'll be able to bring them in your non-bomber loadouts as well. For example having a Status haze bomb or an electron vortex as a side weapon in your sword/gunner loadouts. Definitely buy the UV from other players, don't try to punch it yourself. Punching is riskier since it's not unthinkable that you won't get the CTR UV that you want in 7-8 tries (which would cost you 140-160k crowns).

Bild des Benutzers Hagekobing

Zincamania-Forum, so what you're saying is, buy a 2* bomb with a CTR MED UV in it and later on when it's 5* lvl 10 It would automatically acquire another CTR Med which would make the CTR VH?

Bild des Benutzers Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Yea, getting chaos is probably the best idea for you because it can power your blitz needle, combuster and shiver all at once, making for a very tidy starting FSC loadout. Since you're nervous about the status weakness, I'd recommend seerus's mask via Operation Crimson Hammer, as that would buff your blitz to max ctr without you having to UV it as well as provide fire and shock resistances, which are key. You could also get one piece of vog to pair with chaos, or full vog if you plan on getting CTR uvs on your bombs, though chaos is just too good.

Later on you'd want to look into dark briar barrage and dark retribution, because that combination will let you handle Dreams an Nightmares which will let you in turn heat your gear up.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp

Zincamania-Forum, so what you're saying is, buy a 2* bomb with a CTR MED UV in it and later on when it's 5* lvl 10 It would automatically acquire another CTR Med which would make the CTR VH?

Yes, he is saying to get a bomb with a CTR+2 UV. When that bomb is fully heated it gets another CTR+2, not as a UV. Then it will have a total of CTR+4. If you also have one piece of Chaos armor, then that will add another CTR+2, for a total of CTR+6. If you want to learn more about how these things work, check out the wiki page "Abilities".

Yes Hagekobing, A weapon gets

Yes Hagekobing,

A weapon gets a standard CTR Low at heat level 5, and that goes up to Medium at heat level 10. So if you start off with a CTR Med UV, it will add up to CTR VH when you finally max out the weapon at 5 stars level 10. Then you can still equip a piece of chaos armor or a bomb CTR tinket if you want to max it out (+6 CTR). Alternatively, you can stick with the +4 CTR which is already pretty good and focus your trinkets/armor on other things.

The thing is, many players ignore UVs until they get to the late game, leaving them with many 5 star weapons that have no UVs but took a lot of effort to heat up (because radiant fire crystals are so hard to get). At that point, you have to turn to Punch (the UV NPC) to get them, and it's likely that you'll end up spending more Crowns. In the end, you only have limited equipment slots to work with. UVs allow you to get boosts outside the standard slots, so in the end you'll be more comfortable and flexible in creating your loadouts. You can easily side in a voltaic tempest with a CTR med UV in your sword loadout, it'll charge up fast enough. If you have a Voltaic tempest without the UV, you'll only be able to comfortably use it in your bomber focused loadouts or when using chaos armor, which comes with the cost of lower defense.

Bild des Benutzers Hagekobing
Chaos set

Fehzors-Forum-Alt, the perfect mask of seerus with chaos idea was good but to also acquire that i need to unlock the Operation which is 3200 ce and i can't afford really quickly and I m thinking of setting aside chaos set for later after getting the Vog Set.

Bild des Benutzers Hagekobing
UV Bombs

So what I have understood is, always have a good UV on the basic version (mostly 2*) of the 5* weapon, so when it gets to 5* I don't have to punch extra UVs which will cost me more money for finding the perfect UV i want.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
not exactly

What Zincamania-Forum is saying (I think) is:

* You're eventually going to want good UVs on your favorite items. How are you going to get them? Here's how...

* Buy UVs that have been crafted by other players, rather than using Punch to put UVs on an already-crafted item, because the latter tends to be more expensive.

* Buy 2- or 3-star items, rather than 4- or 5-star items, because the latter require big unbinding fees.

And s/he is telling you to think about this *now*, because too many players think about it later, after they've already made and heated 5-star items without UVs. And I agree, although there is always the problem that you don't really know which items are going to be your favorites until you try them.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzors-Forum-Alt

3200 CE for 3 very good items is a very good trade. I would start saving as soon as possible for it, or if you ever plan to pay money to the game to buy OCH with said money. It's the best value proposition in Spiral Knights, especially since you want to go swords + bombs.

I would also not suggest setting aside chaos for later, because you want to be a bomber and chaos is what will make that dream come true for you, and if you simply must avoid it, go volcanic demo set-- swords are useable without ASI; asi is just the icing on the cake. Bombs are borderline not useable, or at least much much much worse, without any CTR. Chaos solves all of these issues and makes all of your weapons useable to their fullest-- something that vog simply cannot accomplish.

If you're serious about

If you're serious about bombing, Chaos is the best armor set, but take note on the status vulnerabilities. I'd personally pair it with a 5* jelly/owlite/skelly shield for survivability.

My only issue with faust is how slow it swings. With swiftstrike it's not so sluggish, but you'd be trading survivability for raw dps. I'd recommend Acheron or elite quick strike mods.

Have you tried some of the other guns? Valiance has knockback, drivers are good for damage and spreading a variety of statuses due to bouncing shots and callahan hits hard and causes stun, the list goes on. Argent peacemaker, sentenza and gilded griffon have rapid fire and long clips. Polaris is strong at longer ranges, but is weak up close. Blitz needle does a ton of damage against trojans and vanaduke, but leaves you wide open during volleys. Just be careful if those are what you really want to use.

Mist bombs are great for spreading status, but they're not too effective at dealing raw damage. Nitronome has a large blast radius, charges notably quickly and causes huge knockback, but can be troubling if used with a party. Dark Briar has a short fuse and does good pierce damage, but has no knockback. Vortex bombs are good for pulling enemies into clusters, especially the electron one, but they slow you down as you charge them. Shard bombs explode twice, once with a small radius and scattering a second wave that blows up shortly after.

In the end, it all depends on your playstyle and what you're up against, so feel free to experiment.