5* Torto Event Guns
mar, 08/08/2017 - 23:01
Are these guns even worth going for?
The shields look great but I don't think the guns would ever be nice to show off, are they at all useful to create? The damage cap of the charge seems very irritating. Would making a damage type other than normal be more worth?
They shoot very slow and them being a gun seems kinda worthless since you gotta jump in there to use it.
As far as I've tried the Mighty Cannon hasn't been preforming well compared to the rest of my 4* guns.
mer, 08/09/2017 - 09:12

fun, anyway
The tortofists are fun, so you should try them. I have not had much success in using them effectively, but they do have some fans. You can find lots of threads by doing a Google search such as tortofist site:forums.spiralknights.com.
as someone who has an omega tortofist and loves it dearly, it depends.
are they great? no. are they terrible? not really either.
I like to use mine in my pure gunner FSC loadout in place of a sword that wouldnt get any bonuses from my gear. it lets you push around enemies with its main attack, while dealing decent single target non-charge damage. useful for getting a slag out of a totem.
the charge is interesting. a lot of people seem to focus on the landed shards, which are indeed a little underwhelming, but the shards landing deals a good chunk of damage as well.
when carrying callahan/iron slug and omega tortofist, I use the former charge to annihilate slags that are lined up nicely, while the latter is for looser clumps of them.
beyond that, the charge also works well against stationary or big targets (turrets, lumbers, probably giant lichens), where many shards are guaranteed to hit AND tick. also, mecha knights. I heard some people say that tortoguns do not work well against them, but they couldnt be more wrong. fire a charge, they shield. but they drop their shield just before the shards land, meaning they get hit in the face full force.
on damage types, elemental is the most useful and piercing the least.