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Crafting all the Gunner Armors

35 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Skepticraven

Has anyone crafted them all yet?
Lots of people in the original feedback thread suggested that no one in their right mind would ever craft them all.
Given that I finally obtained the last recipe from Basil last month, I'm currently adding them to my arsenal. (Since there isn't really much else I have to add to my arsenal).
The costs really do add up.
I'm also fully heating everything, since some of you may know that I record forging data to get good estimates of the boost probabilities. It would be counter-intuitive to leave out a possible dataset increase of over 3,000 datapoints.

Just some back of the hand calculations:
Number of pieces: 36*2 = 72 helms+armors
Costs (crns): 25k (5* recipe) + 5k (2-4* recipe avg cost per 3 5*s) + 3k (padded) + 8.9k (craft cost) = 41.9kcrn (per piece)
Costs (energy): 50 + 200 + 400 + 800 = 1450E

In total, the minimum I would have to spend to get all of them is: 3,016,800 crns.
If I don't farm any orbs, it would cost an additional 104,400 energy.
Realistically, it'll probably cost 18,000 E (approx) given all the orbs I gather while heating.

Current status:
Star: # crafted [# fully heated]
5*: 72 [15]


Portrait de Bopp

Sorry, I haven't crafted any of the gunner armors yet, but I applaud your out-of-control completism. Keep us posted.

I consider it my "job" to have as many swords as possible, even if there's no practical value (e.g. all four piercing swords). And I've enjoyed trying each style of weapon: a tortofist, a haze bomb, etc. Beyond that, I'm not completist.

Portrait de Sir-Pandabear

Did you make an estimate on the amount of time you'll spend doing this? There are more gunner update armours than every other armour in the game.

It used to be my mission to own every bomb and bomber armour available, but I gave up on that prospect given unobtainable items like Celestial Vortex and Kat Hiss Raiment.

Portrait de Skepticraven

"...but I applaud your out-of-control completism."
I feel like I fall more into the obscurist than the completionist mentality. Though with modern achievement lists, the two heavily overlap. I've specifically avoided collecting the rare items or super UVs, because I don't find that enjoyable. This target seems amusing enough for to progress towards.

"Did you make an estimate on the amount of time you'll spend doing this?"
A lot. For high heat depths, I can average 5 minutes per depth. If we assume 2 items reach heated at the end of that depth, it would take approximately 108 hours of playtime to have everything reach 5*, unheated (excluding any double levelups, heating non-necessary levels for forge data). Logistically, don't expect it to be done anytime soon.

Portrait de Flowchart

I have all the recipes, but haven't crafted all the sets yet.

Most of my crafting efforts go towards arms appropriation (for my own forging statistics research, of course)

Portrait de Zero-Chill

I'm working on collecting all bombs and bomber gear too... unlike you though I managed to get the kat hiss raiment (found 3 books of dark rituals this kat event killing by 666 kats)... after i craft all the other F2P bombs and bomber gear I'll start grinding crowns for the celestial vortex

Portrait de Sir-Pandabear

After thousands of pages, I have yet to find a single book.

Good luck with your collection!

Portrait de Skepticraven

I was thinking today that it would be really amusing if they added on 18 more sets for the stun+sleep variations. Or they could do 27 more if they included curse in the mix.

Portrait de Skepticraven

Making my way up the crafting curve. The bulk is now at 2*.

Portrait de Lordcalvinheins

how would you find the time to DO all that???

and the cost, good grief...

Portrait de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

How does he find the time? I don't think there's much else for him to do. It's the motivation that I'm concerned with. I'm not even motivated enough to get out of bed most of the time, let alone grind for these.

Portrait de Skepticraven

Oh there's plenty of other things for me to do. I typically hike around 15+km every weekend, because I enjoy it. The key is not to get burnt out on doing what you [think you] enjoy. For me playing this game, it's never doing more than 2 arcade runs per sitting [exception if I find a fun party]. And that's a big thing -- I'll only do arcade runs. Missions get super boring after the first run. Given my average run speed, that means I'll be on between 30mins to 1hr max per day. Typically longer if it's raining outside. Most people look at their phones longer than that per day [of which I intentionally do not].

I don't view it as "work" to heat all these armors. I simply run around in the arcade [often doing amusing things] and just so happen to be heating at the same time. Heating is not the primary objective for why I play.

A note on the cost:
Since I'm heating everything and I know the best places to spend time in the arcade... I'll be able to craft everything at only the cost of my time (having fun). On the flip-side, if I don't craft the 72 items... I'd be at least 3mcrn richer. What would I use the 3mcrn on? I'm not a costumer or collector of UVs. I much more enjoy the amusement of having all the gunner armors crafted than whatever I could buy with 3mcrn.

But hey, I don't need to defend my choices. Maybe this will inspire others to find what they enjoy in games, though.

Portrait de Skepticraven

A mere 9 pieces of shade remaining until everything is ready for 3*.

Portrait de Mintagen
I only have the Sacred Grizzly Wraith armor.

I may try going for the others when I find the recipes but the only one I was able to get rather easily and have upgraded it to the 5* version was the Sacred Grizzly Wraith armor. I'd like try getting all the Falcon and Grizzly variants of the sentinel and shade armor but I am not so interested in the rest, neither am I willing to go for such a large achievement as you are.

I have a Sacred Grizzly Keeper Armor recipe that I didn't learn or sell yet if you are interested. I'm willing to give it for a low price unless you already have it.

Some notes on my armor: The skirt clips through the crotch armor plate. With a Black Chaingun, and the SGWA, you can kill almost any Gremlin in 1 or 2 bursts. Sentinel armor is very hard to match with other non sentinel helmets or sentinel helmets of different type.

Portrait de Skepticraven

All sentinel armors crafted!
Woo. Starting on shade next.

Portrait de Skepticraven

Halfway! (Excluding heating).

Portrait de Skepticraven

On the last stretch. Just pathfinder armors to finish up.

There may possible be a party thrown when this is done. Still months out, but keep your eyes peeled.

Portrait de Sir-Pandabear

That's insane. You're insane.

Good luck, I'm rooting for you.

Portrait de Flash-Flire

TBH if you do craft every single piece of gunner armour and heat them all as well the GMs should give you some kind of reward like an orbitgun or smth

Portrait de Skepticraven

Heating all the 5* isn't on the "currently planned" list of things to do.
I don't happen to have 22,000 radiants lying around.

Although, amusingly, if GH gave me an orbitgun for heating them all.... it would be close to the actual cost of an obit/mix gun (with less stress about actually finding someone to sell one).

Portrait de Skepticraven

1 set left to heat.

Portrait de Traevelliath

Jesus Christ Skep, you're insane.

Portrait de Zeddy
Portrait de Skepticraven

It is done.
15/72 heated.

Maybe now would be a good time to craft the wolver sets... nah.

Portrait de Bopp
kat sets


Now do the kat sets. They're 18 Wicked Whiskers total, assuming you already have 5-star Black Kat set.

Portrait de Sir-Pandabear

... All... The... Wayyyyy!

Good job, you absolute maniac. That only took you a year and change.

Portrait de Skepticraven

So I just wanted to note...

12 of these gunner sets get more use than chaos/BK from me nowadays.
The ASI boost makes things a lot nice, not to mention full status resist varieties.

I'd probably recommend crafting 4 sets (one of each 4 status versions).
I don't recommend the 24 monster-damage boosting sets. Do not craft them. They never fit in a situation well... since all depths have a mix of 2 monster types.

Anyways. Grizzly sentinel works wonders in grinchlin assault (I had it already crafted last year). Fully recommend. Could also go with grizzly shade (which is super useful in heart of ice prestige mission), but there are more elemental monsters there.

Portrait de Traevelliath

I actually never thought about using gunner armors for Danger Mission immunity sets. I've been trying to think of something to pair with Radiant Silvermail for a freeze resist HoI set. I guess I have something else to work towards now...

Portrait de Bopp

I agree about the 24 monster-specific sets, based purely on theory (not experience). Thanks for your other comments.

Portrait de Skepticraven

I'm now missing exactly 1 5* gunner armor piece, across all currently existing gunner armors.

If you couldn't guess, it's the kat eye rainment.

Portrait de Bopp
leave it out?

So are you going to ignore that one? Nobody would blame you if you did.

Portrait de Skepticraven

I might get it eventually, but it'll be more of a background project. By no means will I be farming kats. Might buy some books, but doing SLs with guildies is a bit more fun than a 2-minute boss fight.

Portrait de Skepticraven

Through the random luck of a free book and a couple nice buddies, I can now say that I have all 5* gunner armor sets.
Most are lvl 5+ nowadays, but I have nowhere near enough radiants to heat them to lvl 10. Likely won't in the near or far future.

Portrait de Bopp

Now it's time for Grey Havens to double the number of gunner armors.

Portrait de Bbsc
New challenge: Try heating

New challenge: Try heating all gears and weapons to level 10. This also includes 0* to 4* gears and weapons. If you do that, then that is truly hardcore! Also include rare weapons like the mixmaster.

Portrait de Skepticraven

I think I'll pass. That being said, if you still needed tasks to do after that...
Every armor/weapon/shield with all permutations of UVs.
Just looking at the numbers for the gunner armors (72 pieces to start with)...

(normal, pierce, elemental, shadow, stun, freeze, poison, fire, shock, curse)
Defense types only (1 "clean" + all combinations of "max") = 176 per piece

If that isn't enough... let's throw in UV level!
Up to 3 UVs, (low, med, high, max)
Def + UVs (combination * permute of UV) = 3461 unique items per piece...

A total of around 250,000 gunner armor pieces needed to complete that task.
I wonder if SK would even be able to handle that many items on one character (they probably used a list, so likely would be fine except for trying to load all the elements).

Does order matter for the UVs? We're not done yet! 18,400 possibilities per piece, so around 1.3 million possible versions of 5* gunner update armor pieces.