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Fearless Rigadoon & Furious Flamberge

5 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

Are these weapons really worth the status effects they inflict?
Do they inflict them often at all? Or, is it any bit common in Basic attacks or would the charge mainly inflict their status effects? I wouldn't imagine them being all that great if they can't inflict their status effects much in their basic attacks.

Bild des Benutzers Sir-Pandabear


Bild des Benutzers Bopp

No. This used to be a frequently asked question. For my prepared answer, see the piercing swords section of my sword guide.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzors-Forum-Alt




Bild des Benutzers Qwez

I used both Fearless Rigadoon and Furious Flamberge. They both can inflict status on standard attacks, but it's a low chance so it's not that useful.

On top of that, the Fearless Rigadoon is actually a bit dangerous to use because stuns can bug out and cause an enemy attack to instantly complete. Normally with a Flourish you could just wail at an enemy until you see them start their attack animation, but with the Fearless Rigadoon you have to either know when an enemy is about to start to attack or play safer.

I will say that Fearless Rigadoon was my first 5* weapon, so I am a bit partial to it. I think Divine Avenger and Wild Hunting Blade look quite nice alongside a Fearless Rigadoon. Even though it felt a bit bad using clearly less effective weapons, it hit my aesthetic urges and I think I had a handful of fun moments with the random statusing. (I got the DA because it was the best weapon for Roarmulus Twins)

I originally got a Flamberge because it was bugged so you could set your teammates on fire. I probably upgraded it to a Furious Flamberge because it was going to be a nice, shiny red alongside the rest of my Vanaduke loadout. My shiny yellow Rigadoon just didn't quite cut it.

I would sacrifice some functionality for fashion. Even though it's a few month late, I would recommend choosing whatever Flourish looks the best to you.


They should've buffed these so that they're more predictable like how the Brandish charge was buffed. Something like the final standard attack is a guaranteed low status and the charge is a guaranteed moderate status.

If you think about it, it takes no more than a handful of hits to kill most enemies you're going to use these on, so if the status proc'd on the killing blow it'd be pointless. I wonder how many enemies I killed would have proc'd status, but instead just died... hmmm