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A bomb quandary

4 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Rusvul

I'm currently playing with a Freezing Vaporizer which has a UV Damage Bonus vs. Slime: Low. I was burning off a bit of ME today crafting Haze Bombs, and came up with a UV Damage Bonus vs. Undead: Very High.

Now, this is pretty awesome. But I don't know that I want to spend the time and energy to build that one up to the same level as my current FA. So, what would you guys do:

- Sell the new Haze Bomb for a tidy profit and carry on with life?
- Start leveling it and wait for the unbinding shop so as to (if I understand how that might work) unbind my FA or bump it to a Shivermist Buster, unbind and sell it then?

I'm not sure what the sale price for either would really be, just curious what opinions the more knowledgeable folks might have.

I made very high on agaist

I made very high for every foe type aleast once sellable my oppion though i would sell to someone who went it instead doing AH i made about 75k selling all my very highs though i have no bomb knowleadge i guss it would be good FSC ask some Elite bomber guys

Legacy Username
Very High damage haze bombs

Very High damage haze bombs are actually pretty cheap. You won't make the fat profit off a very high damage bonus that you otherwise would.

I say level the new bomb even though it's a pain. If you're loathe to sacrifice your current freeze bomb, carry the new one in your forth weapon slot until it's Heated up.

Legacy Username

Turning it into a Shivermist would be great for FSC. The UV only applies to the small elemental explosion when the bomb goes off so it would need to be in a place where there are tons of undead and you can get in close proximity to many at a time... such as FSC. I actually crafted a Shiver Undead VH just for FSC from a haze bomb I got for about 30k on the AH.

Typically though, CTR is more important especially if you aren't wearing any bomber gear. So might sell it to a bomber who can maximize damage and CTR with their gear. In terms of DPS from the blast, a UV Damage VHigh on a level 10 bomb is equivalent to a Level 10 UV CTR Medium (thus VHigh total).

Portrait de Eeks
You won't be hitting zombies

You won't be hitting zombies with ele blast of the shiv a lot in FSC because of the sheer amound of zombies present and the difficulty of maneuvering around in the smaller fighting spaces. If you want to use the haze bomb still, I would recommend making an Ash of Agni for the sole purpose of clearing graveyards faster.

The strategy here is to drop an AoA next to plot sites before the zombie gets up as you run around getting all of them to surface. This should allow you to kill zombies using the duration of fire alone.

If you want to use a vhigh dmg haze though I'd recommend finding a vhigh v construct.